How do u see your download status on ps4
Tha'ts exactly the problem: the queue is empty but the PS4 was actually downloading three games o. O — Leon. So wait, if you go to the PS4, it shows these games with download progress bars? Did you push the downloads from the website or start them directly from the console?
This is sounding like you started them from the console, in which case nothing will be shown on the website either-way. To add to that Got it: the problem is that I started every download on the console.
If you write it as an answer I will accept it ; — Leon. I reworked the answer to account for both situations. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. Screenshot of the Week. What you might not know with the PS4 though is how to find your download list to view and manage what your PS4 is currently downloading. The downloads list is hidden away under the notifications menu.
From here you can manually install an update if for some reason the PS4 did not automatically do it and pause or cancel downloads. You must be logged in to post a comment. None of which show up under library BTW. Thanks for the info on where to find out what the ps4 is doing. Downloading status is crucial, what idiot designed downloading and updating to be hidden. Check PlayStation Store transactions. Select Game Library from your Games home.
The game will install automatically. Depending on the game, you may have the option to copy and play a portion of the game right away. To purchase and download add-ons, search for the game in PlayStation Store, select the game hub and scroll to the Add-Ons section. PS4 console: download games and add-ons. Go to Library and select the Purchased folder. Select the game you want to download. Select Download. To purchase or download add-ons, select the game from your Library and scroll down to PlayStation Store.
Add-ons you have purchased are displayed in Your add-ons. Select the arrow icon beside the add-on to start downloading. If you are having issues downloading a game, please visit the guide below.
Troubleshoot game downloads. Add-ons, DLC and in-game currency support.