How to continue downloading torrents when screen is off

Wakanda4ever , Jun 23, : is your data saver on? Community Hero Jun 23, KitKat Jun 23, I solved the problem this: set the display to turn off after 30 min , then put the brightnes at minim to prevent battery drain , after download finish set all to normal.

You can try it. Deactivated User , Jun 23, : Apologies, this post has been deleted by author. Honeycomb Jun 23, Cupcake Jun 23, Retick Mullick , Jun 23, : go to developer mod and trun of Doze mode option. Posts: 5. Start a New Discussion. Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts.

All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames. When clicked, it takes straight to the relevant settings you are supposed to change in the control panel. Once the lid is closed, your laptop will continue to function normally. Step 1: From the Windows button menu, go to the control panel and double click power options.

By now your laptop will not shut down when you close the lid and therefore you will be able to keep downloads going on. Make use of the Firefox and chrome AutoShutdown extension for those using the firefox browser. With this extension comes, comes a custom OS command that will command your laptop to shutdown when all download tasks are done.

This helps to avoid heating problems for your laptop since the lid is close to the rest of the body and also controls and saves on your electricity bill. No inbuilt power settings to tweak.

No command to run. Indefinitely, for a specified amount of time, or until a specified time While a file is downloading While a specific app is running During a keep-awake session, choose to allow or prevent: Display sleep Screen saver activation System sleep when built-in display is closed Automated mouse cursor movemen Locking of the screen.

Author Recent Posts. Anoob P. Founder at EasyCowork. I'm Anoob, an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer by qualification, digital marketer by profession. From Aircraft Maintenance Engineer in Air India to heading digital marketing for several Series C-funded companies, I've had a unique journey, you can read my story here. Latest posts by Anoob P see all. Cons One of the methods requires a paid software. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits.

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