How to download part of a pdf
Sometimes, you have a PDF file that has many pages but you just need to use one or some certain pages of it. Of course yes. If you use Chrome as your web browser, you can use it to extract pages from PDF.
Here are two useful guides that show you how to download and install Chrome on your Windows or Mac:. Then, how to save specific pages of a PDF? You need to enter the pages you want to extract from the PDF file to the following box.
For example, if you want to save pages from 10 to 20, you can type If you want to save some single pages, you need to type each page in the box. Click the purple Extract button. This displays all of the pages in your PDF as thumbnails. Select the files you want to extract.
Click each page that you want to add to the new PDF. A checkmark will appear in the top-left corner of each selected page. To select a range of pages, click the Select ranges tab at the top of the page list, and then enter a range of page numbers separated by a hyphen, e. It's at the top-right corner of the page. This adds the selected pages to a new PDF and makes it available for download.
Click Download. It's the purple button to the right of the original file name. This saves the file to your computer. If prompted to do so, select a folder to save the new PDF to, and give it a new name.
Method 4. This free, open-source app is available for both Windows and macOS. Install PDFsam. Double-click the downloaded file, and then follow the on-screen instructions to install. Open PDFsam and select the Extract module. Once open, click the large Extract tile in the list of options.
Add the PDF document you want to extract pages from. Enter the page numbers you want to extract. The pages you want to extract go into the "Extract pages" blank. For example, if you want to create a new PDF from pages 6 through 10, you'd enter To create a new PDF from pages 1, 3, 6, and 14, you could enter 1, 3, 6, Select a folder to which you'll save the new PDF.
To do this, click the Browse button to the right of the "Output settings" blank, choose a folder, and then click Select Folder. Enter a name for the new PDF. You can type this into the "File names settings" blank at the bottom.
Don't worry about entering ". Click the Run button. It's at the bottom-left corner of the app. When the new PDF is created, you'll see "Completed" at the bottom of the app above the green progress bar. However, acrobat software gives other advantages that may make it seem worthwhile to you.
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If security is set to page extraction not allowed, the method above will not work. You may have better luck simply printing to a PDF. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Acrobat Pro only supports extraction, and Acrobat Reader does neither extraction nor printing. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 4. Related wikiHows How to. How to. About This Article. Tested by:. Type in the page numbers you want to extract. If you want a single page, put that page number in both boxes.
Choose additional options. If you want to remove the pages, choose "Delete Pages After Extracting. View the pages of the PDF you want to extract. Click the "Print Screen" key to take a screenshot of your desktop.
Enter a filename. You can also specify a different filetype from the drop-down menu. Click "Save" to save the file. Place your cursor next to the part of the PDF you want to extract.