How to stop third party app downloads on android

Do this for every third-party application you want to revoke access for. By revoking access, the connection between Instagram and that app will break. For example, if you revoke access to Hootsuite , you'll no longer be able to set up scheduled posts on Instagram with it.

You would have to re-grant access to the social media management platform to access this feature once again.

If you suspect that a third-party app has posted unauthorized content on your Instagram account, or if you don't recognize a service you just revoked, you should definitely change your password. To set a new Instagram password, open the app on iOS or Android, and tap on the profile icon. Next, tap on the three-dash menu, and go into "Settings. For extra security, you should set up two-factor authentication , which requires anyone trying to log in to enter a special login code sent through text message.

Like Follow Subscribe Latest News. Table of Contents. Akshita Gupta , Abhay Install third party apps can harm my mobile for security purpose. Is it safe to install? Akshita Gupta Yes, it is safe to install from reliable sources. Be wise while you choose for your phone. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Related Posts. For Windows Antuan Goodwin.

March 30, p. Now playing: Watch this: Install third-party apps on an Android phone. Discuss: How to enable third-party app installation on most Android phones.

Getting an Android app to start and stop a third party app Ask Question. Asked 6 years, 5 months ago. Active 6 years, 5 months ago. Viewed 1k times. Starting the third party app is easy, but I cannot find a way to stop it. If anyone can suggest a better way of doing this, any help would be much appreciated. Android isn't really designed for a third-party app you to kill another third-party app com. Android generally doesn't play well with "task killer" apps because the OS often restarts those processes anyway for a variety of reasons.

It would help if you provided a better idea what you intend to do. Asking another app to handle some action like picking a contact is not uncommon, but this is typically done with startActivityForResult.


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