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PSD Banner Advertising Templates give you the perfect platform for creating the most alluring and attractive advertisements and that too with utter ease. The bright colours against a black backdrop make for an attention grabbing poster, brochure or flyer. List the places where your story unfolds. Think about the key people.
Narratives include people whose actions play an important role in the story. Try narrating the action using active and specific verbs pondered, shouted, laughed to capture what happened. Consider the significance.
You need to make clear why the event you are writing about matters. How did it change or otherwise affect you?
What aspects of your life now can you trace to that event? How might your life have been different if this event had not happened? Ways of organizing a personal narrative. Tell about what happened. Say how Say the conflict something was about the resolved. Fill in details: setting, people, specific actions. Make clear how the situation was resolved. Say something about the significance. To read an example narrative, go to digital. In both cases, you go below the surface to deepen your understanding of how the texts work and what they mean.
This chapter describes the key elements expected in most literary analyses and provides tips for writing one. Your thesis, then, should be arguable.
You might argue, for example, that the dialogue between two female characters in a short story reflects current stereotypes about gender roles. Careful attention to the language of the text. Attention to patterns or themes. Literary analyses are usually built on evidence of meaningful patterns or themes within a text or among several texts. When you write a literary analysis, you show one way the text may be understood, using evidence from the text and, sometimes, relevant contextual evidence to support what you think the text means.
MLA style. Start by considering whether your assignment specifies a particular kind of analysis or critical approach. Look for words that say what to do: analyze, compare, interpret, and so on. Choose a method for analyzing the text. Trace the development and expression of themes, characters, and language through the work. How do they help to create particular meaning, tone, or effects? Explore the way the text affects you as you read through it. Read closely, noticing how the elements of the text shape your responses, both intellectual and emotional.
How has the author evoked your response? Read the work more than once. When you first experience a piece of literature, you usually focus on the story, the plot, the overall meaning. Compose a strong thesis. Your goal is not to pass judgment but to suggest one way of seeing the text.
Do a close reading. Find specific, brief passages that support your interpretation; then analyze those passages in terms of their language, their context, and your reaction to them as a reader. Why does the writer choose this language, these words? What is their effect? If something is repeated, what significance does the pattern have? Support your argument with evidence. The parts of the text you examine in your close reading become the evidence you use to support your interpretation.
Paying attention to matters of style. Literary analyses have certain conventions for using pronouns and verbs. Describe the historical context of the setting in the past tense. Document your sources. To read an example literary analysis, go to digital. Lovers propose marriage; students propose that colleges provide healthier food options in campus cafeterias. These are all examples of proposals, ideas put forward that offer solutions to some problem. All proposals are arguments: when you propose something, you are trying to persuade others to consider—and hopefully to accept—your solution to the problem.
This chapter describes the key elements of a proposal and provides tips for writing one. Some problems are self-evident and relatively simple, and you would not need much persuasive power to make people act. While some might not see a problem with colleges discarding too much paper, for example, most are likely to agree that recycling is a good thing.
Other issues are more controversial: some people see them as problems while others do not. For example, some believe that motorcycle riders who do not wear helmets risk serious injury and also raise the cost of health care for all of us, but others think that wearing a helmet—or not—should be a personal choice; you would have to present arguments to convince your readers that not wearing a helmet is indeed a problem needing a solution.
A solution to the problem. Once you have defined the problem, you need to describe the solution you are suggesting and to explain it in enough detail for readers to understand what you are proposing. Sometimes you might suggest several possible solutions, analyze their merits, and then say which one you think will most likely solve the problem.
You need to provide evidence to convince readers that your solution is feasible—and that it will, in fact, solve the problem. A response to questions readers may have. You need to consider any questions readers may have about your proposal—and to show how its advantages outweigh any disadvantages.
A proposal for recycling paper, for example, would need to address questions about the costs of recycling bins and separate trash pickups. A call to action. The goal of a proposal is to persuade readers to accept your proposed solution—and perhaps to take some kind of action. You may want to conclude your proposal by noting the outcomes likely to result from following your recommendations.
An appropriate tone. Readers will always react better to a reasonable, respectful presentation than to anger or self-righteousness. Choose a problem that can be solved. Large, complex problems such as poverty, hunger, or terrorism usually require large, complex solutions. Most of the time, focusing on a smaller problem or a limited aspect of a large problem will yield a more manageable proposal. Rather than tackling the problem of world poverty, for example, think about the problem faced by people in your community who have lost jobs and need help until they find employment.
Most successful proposals share certain features that make them persuasive. Explore several possible solutions to the problem. Decide on the most desirable solution s. One solution may be head and shoulders above others, but be open to rejecting all the possible solutions on your list and starting over if you need to, or to combining two or more potential solutions in order to come up with an acceptable fix.
Think about why your solution is the best one. What has to be done to enact it? What will it cost? What makes you think it can be done? Why will it work better than others?
Ways of organizing a proposal. You can organize a proposal in various ways, but you should always begin by establishing that there is a problem. You may then identify several possible solutions before recommending one of them or a combination of several.
Sometimes, however, you might discuss only a single solution. Identify possible Propose a Call for action, solutions and solution and or reiterate consider their pros give reasons your proposed and cons one by one. Anticipate and answer questions. To read an example proposal, go to digital. Such essays are our attempt to think something through by writing about it and to share our thinking with others. A reflective essay has a dual purpose: to ponder something you find interesting or puzzling and to share your thoughts with an audience.
Whatever your subject, your goal is to explore it in a way that will interest others. One way to do that is to start by considering your own experience and then moving on to think about more universal experiences that your readers may share. For example, you might write about your dog, and in doing so you could raise questions and offer insights about the ways that people and animals interact.
Some kind of structure. A reflective essay can be organized in many ways, but it needs to have a clear structure. Whether you move from detail to detail or focus your reflection on one central question or insight about your subject, all your ideas need to relate, one way or another.
The challenge is to keep your readers interested as you explore your topic and to leave them satisfied that the journey was interesting and thought-provoking.
Every now and then someone will cheer her on. Details such as these will help your readers understand and care about your subject. A questioning, speculative tone.
So your tone will often be tentative and open, demonstrating a willingness to entertain, try out, accept, and reject various ideas as your essay progresses from beginning to end, maybe even asking questions for which you can provide no direct answers. Choose a subject you want to explore. Make a list of things that you think about, wonder about, find puzzling or annoying. Explore your subject in detail. Reflections often include descriptive details that provide a base for the speculations to come.
Back away. Ask yourself why your subject matters: why is it important or intriguing or otherwise significant? Your goal is to think on screen or paper about your subject, to see where it leads you. Think about how to keep readers with you. Reflections must be carefully crafted so that readers can follow your train of thought. Ways of organizing a reflective essay. Reflections may be organized in many ways because they mimic the way we think, sometimes associating one idea with another in ways that make sense but do not necessarily follow the kinds of logical progression found in academic arguments or reports.
Here are two ways you might organize a reflection. To read an example reflective essay, go to digital. You may be assigned to create annotated bibliographies to weigh the potential usefulness of sources and to document your search efforts.
This chapter describes the key elements of an annotated bibliography and provides tips for writing two kinds of annotations: descriptive and evaluative.
Doherty, Thomas. Unwin Hyman, A historical discussion of the identification of teenagers as a targeted film market. Foster, Harold M. An evaluation of the potential of using teen films such as Sixteen Candles and The Karate Kid to instruct adolescents on the difference between film as communication and film as exploitation.
They are often helpful in assessing how useful a source will be for your own writing. Gore, A. An inconvenient truth: The planetary emergency of global warming and what we can do about it. New York, NY: Rodale. It centers on how the atmosphere is very thin and how greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide are making it thicker.
The thicker atmosphere traps more infrared radiation, causing warming of the Earth. He includes several examples of problems caused by global warming.
Penguins and polar bears are at risk because the glaciers they call home are quickly melting. Coral reefs are being bleached and destroyed when their inhabitants overheat and leave. For example, many highways in Alaska are only frozen enough to be driven on fewer than 80 days of the year. In China and elsewhere, recordsetting floods and droughts are taking place.
Hurricanes are on the rise. It is useful because it relies on scientific data that can be referred to easily and it provides a solid foundation for me to build on. For example, it explains how carbon dioxide is produced and how it is currently affecting plants and animals.
This evidence could potentially help my research on how humans are biologically affected by global warming. It will also help me structure my essay, using its general information to lead into the specifics of my topic. For example, I could introduce the issue by explaining the thinness of the atmosphere and the effect of greenhouse gases, then focus on carbon dioxide and its effects on organisms.
A concise description of the work. Relevant commentary. If you write an evaluative bibliography, your comments should be relevant to your purpose and audience.
To achieve relevance, consider what questions a potential reader might have about the sources. Consistent presentation. All annotations should be consistent in content, sentence structure, and format. If one annotation is written in complete sentences, they should all be. Decide what sources to include. Though you may be tempted to include every source you find, a better strategy is to include only those sources that you or your readers may find useful in researching your topic.
Is this source relevant to your topic? Is it general or specialized? Are the author and the publisher or sponsor reputable?
Does the source present enough evidence? Does it show any particular bias? Does the source reflect current thinking or research? Decide whether the bibliography should be descriptive or evaluative. Read carefully. To quickly determine whether a source is likely to serve your needs, first check the publisher or sponsor; then read the preface, abstract, or introduction; skim the table of contents or the headings; and read the parts that relate specifically to your topic.
Research the writer, if necessary. In any case, information about the writer should take up no more than one sentence in your annotation. Summarize the work. Sumarize it as objectively as possible: even if you are writing an evaluative annotation, you can evaluate the central point of a work better by stating it clearly first.
You may find, however, that some parts are useful while others are not, and your evaluation should reflect that mix. Ways of organizing an annotated bibliography. Depending on their purpose, annotated bibliographies may or may not include an introduction. State scope. List first List second List third List final alphabeti- alphabeti- alphabeti- alphabeti- cal entry, cal entry, cal entry, cal entry, and anno- and anno- and anno- and anno- tate it.
Sometimes an annotated bibliography needs to be organized into several subject areas or genres, periods, or some other category ; if so, the entries are listed alphabetically within each category. Category 2 alphabetically, and annotate them. List entries Explain category 2.
To read an example annotated bibliography, go to digital. You may be required to include an abstract in a report or as a preview of a presentation you plan to give at an academic or professional conference. This chapter provides tips for writing three common kinds: informative, descriptive, and proposal. That one paragraph must mention all the main points or parts of the paper: a description of the study or project, its methods, the results, and the conclusions.
Here is an example of the abstract accompanying a seven-page essay that appeared in in the Journal of Clinical Psychology: The relationship between boredom proneness and health-symptom reporting was examined. The results suggest that boredom proneness may be an important element to consider when assessing symptom reporting.
Implications for determining the effects of boredom proneness on psychological- and physicalhealth symptoms, as well as the application in clinical settings, are discussed. They usually do not summarize the entire paper, give or discuss results, or set out the conclusion or its implications. The findings and their application in clinical settings are discussed.
You prepare them to persuade someone to let you write on a topic, pursue a project, conduct an experiment, or present a paper at a scholarly conference; often the abstract is written before the paper itself. Titles and other aspects of the proposal deliberately reflect the theme of the proposed work, and you may use the future tense to describe work not yet completed. Here is a possible proposal for doing research on boredom and health problems: Undergraduate students will complete the Boredom Proneness Scale and the Hopkins Symptom Checklist.
A multiple analysis of covariance will be performed to determine the relationship between boredom-proneness total scores and ratings on the five subscales of the Hopkins Symptom Checklist ObsessiveCompulsive, Somatization, Anxiety, Interpersonal Sensitivity, and Depression.
An informative abstract includes enough information to substitute for the report itself; a descriptive abstract offers only enough information to let the audience decide whether to read further; and a proposal abstract gives an overview of the planned work. Objective description. Abstracts present information on the contents of a report or a proposed study; they do not present arguments about or personal perspectives on those contents. Unless you are writing a proposal abstract, you should write the paper first.
You can then use the finished work as the guide for the abstract, which should follow the same basic structure. Copy and paste key statements. Copy and paste those sentences into a new document to create a rough draft. Pare down the rough draft. Introduce the overall scope of your study, and include any other information that seems crucial to understanding your work. Conform to any length requirements. In general, an informative abstract should be at most 10 percent as long as the original and no longer than the maximum length allowed.
Descriptive abstracts should be shorter still, and proposal abstracts should conform to the requirements of the organization calling for the proposal. Ways of organizing an abstract [An informative abstract] State conclusions of study. State Summarize nature of method of study. State implications of study. To read an example abstract, go to digital.
We read cookbooks to find out how to make brownies; we read textbooks to learn about history, biology, and other academic topics. And as writers, we read our own drafts to make sure they say what we mean. Try to download them again and let me know if you are still having a problem. Can I order this set of books in India? Is PDF version is available to download in Tamil language?
Your service to the Krishna Consciousness movement is inestimable. I have left, and I feel inspired for that decision. I would loose my life and soul if I were to compromise on principles which are keeping me cognizant of the need to protect the creeper of devotional service, and not allow it to get mixed up in karma, jnana or yoga.
But somehow we have to remain in Krishna consciousness. So that is quite a challenge. Really this is best done in the association of other devotees, it is very hard to be a devotee surrounded by non-devotees. But somehow that is the position we seem to be in at the moment so we have to push on and try to become Krishna conscious and try to serve Srila Prabhupada under these difficult circumstances. The solution is chanting Hare Krishna ultimately. So we have to actually get a taste for chanting Hare Krishna and have to actually do it constantly.
It is only the sankirtan, the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra that can counteract the bad effects of Kali-yuga. So we have to chant Hare Krishna or we will not be even able to counteract the evils of Kali in our own lives, what to speak of saving the world, which, at some point in time, someone has to do, again..
Hare Krishna.. I have hard copies though. Can you please help. Please let me know. I am a swaminarayan devotee of BAPS. In the shikshapatri manual for code of conduct and bhakti it says that a devotee should read the tenth canto of the srimad bhagavatam every year.
But it is not complete here. But I need the tenth canto. What should I do. Firstly your instruction from Swami Narayana is wrong. This sort of stress on reading specifically the Tenth Canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, giving special stress to reading the Tenth Canto over the other Cantos is completely wrong, completely bogus.
So have to read all of the Bhagavatam, starting from the First Canto, in the order that it has been presented. Not that you put special stress on reading the Tenth Canto. You have to read and assimilate all the other cantos first before it is possible for you to appreciate and understand the Tenth Canto.
That is a summary study of the Tenth Canto. Can anyone tell me the links of pdf files of Canto 11 and 12 without the poisonous commentary. There is no use in reading Bhagavatam without commentary by a pure devotee of Krishna.
Srila Prabhupada has given us enough to keep us constantly engaged in hearing about Krishna for a very long time. Putting Hriydananda godas on the same platform as Srila Prabhupada. I really can not imagine that there are many idiots out there any more who can accept such insanity. I heard Prabhupada say today that you can fool all of the people for some time and you can fool some of the people for all of the time but you can not fool all of the people for all of the time.
So the bottom line is forget reading anything that is not written by Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada is a pure devotee of Krishna and he has given us absolutely everything we need to become completely Krishna conscious, to become pure devotees, and to go back home back to Godhead and to take the whole universe with us. We simply have to surrender to Srila Prabhupada and take advantage of his association in the form of his transcendental books, his lectures, his conversations, his press conferences, his morning walks, his letters and all the other transcendental nectar he has left for us to raise us up to the platform of pure devotional service.
This krishna consciousness movement is the only movement which can guide a person for the path of purity and selfish less service. Not only towards god and his devotees but also to the whole world and people living around here.
Thank you so much prabhu for this wonderful arrangement of the original works of the master All glories unto Prabhupada, all glories to Sri Krishna, all glories to Madhudvisa dasa! Can you please tell me what are the most serious changes the BBT has made, other than grammatical or spelling corrections?
What are the most drastic changes been made, by which the entire original meaning got lost? If you could give me some examples, and preferably an overview or a link to where I can find this information that would be very helpful. Thank you in advance,. Please read all the articles there. Of course they have started slowly. Still they have made thousands and thousands of significant changes that really alter the meaning of what Prabhupada says. Sometimes very dramatically changing the meaning, sometimes completely reversing what Prabhupada said….
Thanks for your fast reply, prabhu. I will give it a serious look and may contact you for further clarification, if needed. Meanwhile I have sent you a message on an other article. Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa ji, One more doubt. Bhaktivedantaswami correct? Are they not perfectly divine as they are expected to be? And what are Ritvik and other foundations.? Please kindly forgive my ignorance and sorry if I had spoken anything wrong. Do kindly reply me and make me understand. Thanking you, Hare Krishna, Balaji.
They are changing his books to try and reflect the changes they have made to the eternal and unchangeable philosophy of Krishna consciousness. You can not reject and change the instructions of your spiritual master without becoming completely demoniac.
This is demoniac. This is the tendency in history. When the empowered acarya leaves his preaching organization becomes overtaken by demons in the dress of devotees. There is not much that can be done to stop this. The demons are very keen to take over the position of guru and if there is no powerful acarya to keep them in check then it is very hard to stop demons from taking the position of guru and exploiting the innocent disciples. So we have seen this happening in ISKCON now for many years and it has been the cause of spiritual ruination for so many unfortunate devotees.
They can not help you to become Krishna conscious but they are very qualified to hinder your natural progress in spiritual life. Srila Prabhupada is living in his books and other recorded vani and you can personally associate with him by reading his books and hearing his recorded classes. This is direct and personal association with a pure devotee of Krishna and this sadhu-sanga with Srila Prabhupada has the power to elevate you to the platform of pure devotional service.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa ji, I understand and accept thoughts.. But as a devotee of Sri Krishna, shudnt we try to do something for this. Because I hav seen many of my friends goin there. Of course they went only for Darshan of Sri Krishna. But what about the other unfortunate souls who as you say will be misguided under the name of Krishna consciousness. Thanking you,, Hare Krishna, Balaji. What we should do is become pure devotees of Krishna ourselves by surrendering to Srila Prabhupada and following all the instructions he gives us while we read his books.
Then Srila Prabhupada and Krishna will give us the intelligence so we will know exactly what we should do…. Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa ji, I hav downloaded the 10th canto volume I have started readin now only. I feel if someone teaches it for me I can understand and grasp the details in more detail and can get benefitted. What can I do? He will teach you. To teach you…. The subject matter develops through the various cantos, you will not get the benefit of the tenth canto unless you have already properly studied all the other cantos.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa ji.. Thank you so much for your reply. I hav read the introduction, life history of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and the first chapter Questions of the Sages. With your help and guidance I shall try to read all the cantos of Srimad Bhaghavatham.
After reading the book I had a feel of interest to learn more about Sri Narayana. Thank you, Hare Krishna Balaji. I plan to start e-learning course on-line for free of charge for the benefit of devotees and others in general. In other words, can you grant me the permission? Thanks to your idea of publishing Srimad Bhaghavatham in pdf form for the benefit of the world. Kindly do reply. I can not see any reason from our side why you should have any problem downloading SB tenth canto Volume 2.
Thanks a lot for publishing Shri Bhagvattam. This is such a great service. Due to your continous efforts many people are getting direct benefit. Your efforts are bring dharma to everybody. I am currently studying Srimad Bhagavatam one chapter a day. I have read somewhere online that parayan of Srimad Bhagavatam lazily continuing till a year is Tamasik. But I am not studying it lazily. I am studying with immense faith of the Lord.
Should I be worried about the Tamasik nature of my study. Should the parayan be completed within a week or a month?
Thanks so much for the files. Thanks so much and very much appreciated. Here is the final comparison using the proper rendering methods for a Digital Remaster, and the cleaned up files you have available for download. I just want to add that my previous message was about some files that were posted before these ones available now, which had too much loss of quality compared to the original high resolution files.
I just now downloaded the most recent available PDFs you have made available here and they are actually rendered well and of good quality. Also 10th Canto you posted has great quality. Yes, we have done a lot of work to improve the quality of the Srimad-Bhagavatam and Caitanya-caritamrta PDF files to be the best possible quality. Dear Prabhu thank you for uploading the books of srimad bhagavatam it is extremely beautiful to see it and also to read.
There are only 10 cantos and 13 chapters but in vedabase there are extra two chapters should i read them also or just upto Thank you for your valuable time. The important thing about a spiritual book is the author. Only a pure devotee of Krishna can understand Krishna and therefore only a pure devotee of Krishna can describe Krishna.
We know that Srila Prabhupada is a pure devotee of Krishna and we have seen by practical example that his books have the potency to awaken the dormant Krishna consciousness that is within us all. Srila Prabhupada stressed just before he left his body that he did not feel any of his disciples were qualified to continue the translation of Srimad-Bhagavatam.
They imitated Prabhupada but they were not pure devotees of Krishna like Prabhupada, they did not understand Krishna so they had no power to explain Krishna. Milk touched by the lips of a serpent has poisonous effects. So reading the Bhagavatam which is not translated by Srila Prabhupada [after Canto 10, Chapter 13] will have poisonous effects on you, even though it appears to be the Bhagavatam… The poison is very subtle but it is also very deadly.
Then you can read the Bhagagavatam again. I beg you to reply to my comments. Please tell me what I as a beginner in devotion should read. I really trust your commitment to Srila Prabhupada. Your servant, Santosh. Why did Srila Prabhupada spend so much time and effort writing all of these books? I have one query:-Can you please tell me if it is okay to take print out of these pages instead of ordering the hard copy of Bhagavatam?
I beg ou to reply. I also wrote a comment yesterday. But it it not visible in your website now. What happened to it? That is what it is for. Please do it. Print out the pages and read them…. If you read them aloud also, including chanting the Sanskrit verses, it has more potency than just reading it in your mind.
Reading in your mind is also good, but if you read it aloud then you are chanting it and hearing it and Krishna consciousness is actually realized through chanting and hearing much more than thinking in the mind. Thinking in the mind is of course smaranam, remembering, one of the nine processes of devotional service, so I am not in any way minimizing this, but hearing and chanting is better and that includes remembering also. So if you read aloud you are performing simultaneously hearing, chanting and remembering, which is much better than just remembering….
Prabhu,can you please tell me if Srimad Bhagavad Gita is available in pdf format? And, will it be okay to take a print out of the pages and read them, instead of purshasing the books? I will be extremely grateful if you can provide me with a kind reply. There is no Canto 13, only Srila Prabhupada only translated up to 10th Canto Chapter 13 so that is all that is available in English in an authorized form. Please read and study the 12, pages Prabhupada has already given us in Cantos Please let me know if there is any auspicious time or muhurta to start reading Srimad Bhagavatam.
Srila Prabhupada only translated up to Tenth Canto Chapter After that there is no bona-fide translation of the Srimad-Bhagavatam in English. I cannot think of reading incomplete Bhagavatam. Is it how its followed by everybody, Or, any alternate procedure followed?
Kindly let me know. It is not incomplete. It will take you a long time to read this, then there is about 8, pages of Sri-Caitanya Caritamrta, pages of Bhagavad-gita, and so many other things. Thank you encouraging me to carry on with my will of reading Srimad Bhagavatm. I am currently in my first reading on Sri Bhagavad Gita and it has utterly influenced me.
I have totally changed my way of life and consciousness. Start reading it now. I am very grateful for these downloads, but I wonder if the 10th canto will be available for download in future? Thanks, thank you very much. Hari Bol!! It is there now, Can you look up something for me? A few lines into the Purport. It says:. Therein lies the problem. This is not an error and the current Bhagavatams still are the original pre Bhagavatams.
At least as far as I know so far the BBT have not changed them although they want to change the Bhagavatam and may have done that in their most recent printing, I do not know. These four orders of life: brahmacary, grhastha, varnaprasatha and sannyasa are social orders.
It is student life, married life, retired life and renounced life. So these are social orders. Students are one social order, married people are another social order, retired people are another social order and the renounced order is another social order.
These orders are part of the Vanrasrama system which is about organizing the society in such a way that it is conducive for spiritual advancement. So the whole Varnasrama system is a social order which has as its aim facilitating the spiritual upliftment of all the people…. Hare Krishna Community. I have reduced the size of Canto 1 and 2.
The size of Canto 2 is now 62MB by using acrobat Cleartype, dpi. Text is searchable. Eg Original version: Lord Brahma said: At the time when the unlimitedly powerful Lord assumed the form of a boar as a pastime, just to lift up the earthly planet, which was drowned in the great ocean of the universe called the Garbhodaka, the first demon Hiranyaksa appeared, and the Lord pierced him with His tusk.
Lord Brahma said: When the unlimitedly powerful Lord assumed the form of a boar as a pastime, just to lift the planet earth, which was drowned in the great ocean of the universe called the Garbhodaka, the first demon Hiranyaksa appeared, and the Lord pierced him with His tusk.
This is not a change. There is absolutely no change to the meaning of the text. Prabhupada wrote a number of letters to the editors requesting corrections be made to the first edition Bhagavatams so you can not expect that all the printings will be absolutely identical to the first editions. So please read the books. I extracted images from last file, they were MB. So if you have created smaller. The text is not searchable as I dont have the proper software for it.
However, it is adequate for viewing on computer screen. The big PDF files are good as reference, but it might be difficult to open them at older or slower computers. I request that the images may be optimized in size without losing quality and put individually so that we can see image of any page without downloading the whole file. Scanning or photographing is the best way to keep the books in computer format because it is free from missing texts and spelling mistakes.
Here are some instances of missing texts: 1. Srimad Bhagvatam SB 5. In at NY airport, just after Rathayatra, devotees inquired from Srila Prabhupada about the nature of the confusing maps in the just released 5th canto.
After these many years I have been given the means to define the original nature of these maps scientifically. But it requires that the information be viewed under a very different set of circumstances where a complete washout of the western education that all western devotees were subject to and see the information through that lens. The current intellectual house of mirrors does not allow modern man to conceptualize outside certain restrictive definitions ie that what is not happening in the astronomical sky today of planets and their relationships — did not happen in ancient times.
The sky has not changed much in the last years. What is in the FIfth Canto is an accurate description of the universe we live in. Anaphylaxis Campaign - Cow's Milk Allergy: the facts. It is not a substitute for proper medical diagnosis or dietary advice given by a dietitian.
If you need to see a dietitian, visit your GP for a referral or: www. To check your dietitian is registered check www. Food Fact Sheets on general dietary topics are available to download free of charge at www.
Return to listing. Allergic reactions can be immediate or delayed. How can a dietitian help? How can I eat with this in mind? Infant formula If CMA symptoms start after introducing cow's milk formula or dairy products, you can still have cow's milk in your diet. Plant-based milk alternatives You should not use plant-based milk alternatives, like oat, coconut and almond, as a main drink until at least 12 months of age.
You can use them in cooking for infants over six months of age. Introducing solid foods You can introduce milk-free foods around six months of age, when your baby is ready. For allergens, see ingredients highlighted in bold. Seeing your co-worker go arse-over-tit with glass bottles smashing everywhere was a riot and deffo woke folks up!!! Some of the customers used to leave us packs of bicccies etc. Many, many years ago our milkman sold up and the new guy s delivered late at night.
We moved to a different one who delivered early morning instead. Ours seems to have gotten earlier over lockdown, used to be about 6am but now it can be any time after midnight. Never caused an issue with the actual milk though.
This topic has 63 replies, 54 voices, and was last updated 2 months ago by GlennQuagmire. Viewing 40 posts - 1 through 40 of 64 total. Pook Full Member. Are they too lazy for an early start these days? With warm nights last week we had three pints go off really quickly.