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Not able to understand if this is an issue from the eproc server or browser issue, appreciate any suggestions. I had sent a mail to eproc team, they replied that portal was working fine.

Yes, this happened to me as well. I relogged in back quickly and could continue to bid again. But after few minutes same issue happened, and this time, i was almost winning the bid, i had last 50 seconds when the screen got closed, later when i logged in back within a minute, the bidding was closed. I am not sure whether i have won the bid, i am yet to receive the advise letter.

Has anyone who won the bid successfully yesterday 11 december , have received the advise letter? What do you think the problem may be, system or server? Sorry for responding late. Wish you good luck next time.

There can be multiple reasons why the issue might have cropped up like network glitch, load on the server etc. Connect to an broadband and have an mobile hotspot as backup only. It is always better to use 2 systems, just in case if one system hangs and you can have another one as backup. Are there any more auctions scheduled by BDA in near future and which areas will be under consideration for auction.

Can you please share the TDS procedure? Given that we are paying in installments, I am confused whether we should pay TDS also in installments. There is no need to pay TDS in installment unless you have cash issue. Those who wish to have detail pages documents on all these micro details please send me email to gmail address- sbhandarkar We have won bid yesterday , but not received the letter from BDA.

How much time does it take to receive intial letter. Please can someone answer. Hi if i want to see what is the highest bid for particular site in e procurement site what is the way or where can i see. I tried filtering many things but i was not able to see. My previous comment has very detailed steps, If anyone see that please post as main comment again so that it will be helpful for all. I am little lazy to search it. Thanks Subra can soem one help as I need to decide on one of the site for bidding based on earlier price for which last date is today.

Thanks for sharing this valuable information. Your kindness to share the knowledge is very much appreciated. I searched for the comments history and could find the below mentioned steps to pull the bid winning rate.

It worked. Also, Advice letter will have very clear breakup, There will be same confusion for TDS but allotment letter will have very clear cut information till last digit INR.

How long will take to get to know the status of bidding and what is the probability of acceptance. Also I have shown interest on other plots today.. I won a bid at SMV site, and I was the only bidder, who bid the site once only. Will the bid be accepted? Is the initial fixed deposit the EMD-4Lakhs?

SMV 4th block Sreekanth. Yet to recieve any email but I have seen such cases where bids have been accepted and rejected also. Hoping for the best. Let me know if any objection on posting auction rates, all these details are available in eproc govt site and visible to public. There are not private data or hacked data.

Pulled one after another. Lot of manual work, No export and dump facilities available for public like us. Site No: East to West: Any reason why 6th block sites auctioned for lesser price compared to other blocks in BSK 6th stage? In the middle of the bidding, the eproc application suddenly closed and I was not able to login for several minutes, it was not accepting the login as well, I lost the bidding due to the technical glitch, does anyone had similar experience. I complained to eproc team, they say server was fine from their end.

Initially website was slow and intermittent shutdown happened. My system was upto date and there was no problem with internet. I have completed payment and all things. In the last I am not able to see bid button. Tomorrow is last date. Please tell me what to do. I have installed java and tried with IE as well as mozilla. Can that initial amount paid from parents or brother of friends account. Did anyone get the refund from last auction? It is exactly a month and I still have not received the refund of 4L.

Is anyone facing this issue? Can anyone guide me whom to approach for the refund? I called BDA last week they told the refund list has been sent to Eproc.

But nobody is responding to my call in Eproc refund department. What is EMD status in eproc? Looks like most of people got refund already. Thanks for your reply Subra. Any idea whom to contact? Probably now they can help better as it is in approved status. I had called them. They gave a separate phone number for EMD refund but that number is always busy or no one picks. I called the helpdesk again. They gave me this email ID refund. I have written to them. Will wait and check if they reply at all.

Yes I received it almost 2 weeks back. I got a reply from eproc saying that there was some mistake. I corrected it. They credited within 2 days. Hi all i have few more questions 1. I am not preferring this but in case if I fall in to such situation its better to be prepared. If you have cash tight position check with your CA when exact need to be paid. Higher the number more challan need to be printed by canara bank staff who might give unpleasant look.

Technically it is possible. It is not BDA condition. As long as canara bank is ready to give to challan any type of payment is acceptable.

Probably even cheque work if that is from canara bank, Work with Canara bank bda branch. NEFT is easy and more acceptable process. Is there anyone who successfully registered after paying full amount? How many days will it take? Hi All I have one doubt regarding Photo identity and Specimen signature form. I filled in the form as given in portal.

Notary guy said he wont sign that paper he will sign if I get color photocopy of same as I had very less time 1 day , I did color photo copy got notary attested loaded into portal and showed interest also. Hence my question is, is this document very critical and will this be asked any where in original in future steps.?

Please help. Hi Sat. The eProc portal is not loading for me. Hi Subra thanks for the reply to my threads it relieved me…I have one more question if I change notary and get this document notarised is there a way where I can change existing uploaded document to proper one? Also, I have registered with full name in all documents but in challan copy I used initials.

Is this a problem? What I heard is they send draft sale deed to correct all naming problems as last verification step.

Draft sale deed is last option where you can change name errors. I have checked with few people who did registration never updated specimen signature copy as required documents. Looks like this non important document will be used only if there is fraud in BDA and someone trying enter last minute bid for no bid sites.

I want to apply for a BDA site through auction. Are there any contact person to help me identify the plots I wish to apply for. How do I locate the exact plot?

Can you please share document format which needs to be uploaded on eproc site? No, there is no contact person who show the plots. We need to see plots our self. No, with 4lakhs, you can participate only in one Plot Bidding.

No, People here can hel or contact who applied earlier for help. Dont apply if it is only investment. It is in BDA website itself except contact format which you can update any.

As long as you pay EMD for multiple site you can apply for n number of site. There is no limit,. Did anyone get the site measurement done by BDA Engineer?

Do we need to pay money for getting the measurement? Site measurement is tricky one, we got our site get measured and paid some tips, But no official report for same. Site measurement is not about measuring length and width. It is about measuring distance from permanent structure Like house already constructed or officially fenced property and confirming all sites will get documented measurement. For example, if there is house after 3 empty sites after your site. Measuring stones are not permanent markers.

I agree, I was under the impression that they are going to measure the sites from the permanent structure. Is there any other alternate source to get the measurement done? There is one dedicated survey person for each block for example BSK 6 th stage 2 nd block you can get his number by trying from multiple sources like when visiting BDA, asking for people who has already build house near your site, real estate agent is that area or contacting contact number given in auction notification for every block.

Once you have that number probably you need to pay for each site when people group together and invite him for measurement. Hi Subra, I am told that my site is measuring 1 meter more than the actual which comes to be 12sqmeter.

What should be the price of that delta area.. Better to check with BDA directly officially instead of getting in to trap. You will get corner plot as it is sold as corner plot. Hi All, I have a question for photo identity specimen signature is notary seal and sign mandatory? Is that fine? OR will there be any issue later? I checked Sachin they are saying that we usually attest photo copy looking at originals.

This specimen signature document we wont do. We will seal on photo copies. Is submitting original notary signed document mandatory if we win bid at any of the future stages? Take simple printout, Update details with pen, Fix PP size photograph. Better not to take risk of not attaching it and loosing winning bid. Upto what extent is bidding expected to go? It all depends of what is the market price in that area.

Better to do price trend analysis by visiting area many time, talking to brokers or checking is magic bricks. Hi wihout paying amoun can I check some where but is the current bid price going on for a particular site? Thanks for confirmation Sachin. I have one more question for photo identity specimen signature is notary seal and sign mandatory.

When I went to Notary filling in form the person said he cannot sign he asked to take color photo copy which we will seal and sign. I am trying to apply for a loan for the site that I got through auction. Bank is asking for original allotment letter to be submitted to them. Is this normal? Need to submit original allotment letter so that people dont take loan from multiple banks and sources. This is correct process. Could someone please confirm if its mandatory to get the Digital signature certificate DSC to participate in the auction?

The person who collected the docs mentioned that they are yet to receive challan for 4 Lakhs initial payment that we paid in eproc website.

He said he will be sending the sale deed and registration details over post. Can someone please help me if they had a similar experience? If so, how long did it take to receive the Sale deed via post? Did you go for a loan? Waiting for loan approval still. Will keep updated here.

You do not need to transfer the amount from your SB account. You need to go to your bank and request your bank to do the transfer to BDA. You have to take an RTGS challan, fill it with pertinent details, and submit it with a cheque for the requisite amount with bank charges. They would remit the amount on your behalf and would give you the UTR number written on the challan counterfoil.

This is a short walk away from the main entrance of BDA. Theres a xerox shop too nearby if you need copies. Bank timings:Mon: You have to write the UTR number, date of remittance, amount and your phone number, on the bottom part of the xerox copies of the BDA advice letter and submit the same to the person next to the teller counter. He will verify receipt of the money, seal and sign these copies and return to you.

There, the gentleman would enter your written details in the system, retain your xerox copies, and give you a printout of a challan with its printed carbon copy.

I had to wait till 3. I had to kill time for 2. You can go to Canara Bk in the afternoon. Then when you are allowed to enter BDA premises at 3. Walk up to 2nd floor take the lift, if you please, but better to avoid in Covid times..

As soon as you reach the 2nd floor landing, take a left straight upto the very end of the corridor, the room to your left is the Accounts Section Room where you have to submit the copy of the challan received from Canara bank.

You need to write your name, postal address, email address and mobile number behind this challan and just hand it to over to them. So better have someone at home to receive it. After receipt of this letter, you have 45 days to remit the balance.

Staff at both Canara Bank and at the Accounts section were very cordial and helpful in answering queries. This whole process is just to confirm to BDA the receipt of the amount remitted by you. Just like how the e-Auction has been made online, this too could have been made online so that the Accounts section can see your payment in their systems — hence avoiding citizens to go through this process.

Lets hope they do it soon for the benefit of those who come after us. Anyway, coming to the point, it pained me to read in that message that we Indians do not give as much as we take. If anyone has more to add about their experiences, please do share.

If someone can update these details here, I would be grateful. Thanks Babu for the useful info. I am unable to access the eproc website. Can we do multiple neft transfers. Also can we take DD from the account which does not belong to site bidder?. Bank employee confirmed to me about multiple transactions are ok.. Question: Do we need to get the site measurement and marking done before making the payment?. Whom should we get in touch with for site dimension confirmation.

Yes, better to get site measurement done, contact number was provided for each block of sites in Auction Page. You can contact them. If so, how long did it take for you? Mine was Oct Auction.. Oct 1st. Received Allotment letter in Post on 21st Oct, via mail on Oct 16th. Is this Confirmation letter or allotment letter? Today I have received confirmation letter via email. When can I get through Post? Our academic writers and editors make the necessary changes to your paper so that it is polished.

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