Stratasys printer driver download

Send us a message Send us a message. Sometimes this is referred to as the "Embedded PC. There is no user interface for this program. This replaces the Job Manager from the legacy software. Host PC — A separate PC is often included on printer installation dedicated to running some software. Usually this is a separate laptop or desktop placed near the printer, while for the Objet Plus it is inclosed within the printer. This was sometimes referred to as the "Server PC.

See table below You are already running the latest version. You should see a folder which matches the name of your printer. Make a copy of this folder, and rename the copy by adding a "-backup" to the name.

Your service technician may need to access this folder in case of an issue with the upgrade. Download the appropriate software with the links below: Objet software latest version Objet software latest version Objet software latest version Extract the contents to the Printer PC.

We start with [brian. Batteries are of the LiPo variety. He designed it to carry two batteries, though only one is in use at a time. Each battery has its own arming plug. There is one jumper, so only one battery can be connected to the board at a time. Next up is [suiram21] with Longboard Brake. Downhill longboarding can be a dangerous sport. Running downhill at 40MPH or more with no brakes makes for quite an adrenaline rush. He started with a Onda board, which is a longboard with large diameter wheels.

He 3D printed brackets for a cable actuated braking system. The brake is activated by stepping on a lever at the rear of the board. A lever presses a bicycle brake pad into the inside edge of the tire. This brings the board to a gentle stop. Next we have [edbraun] with Skateboard Speedometer by inventED. A more accurate way to gather speed data is directly from the wheels. Two tiny magnet plugs are placed in holes drilled in the wheel. A hall effect sensor detects the magnets and passes this data on to an Arduino Pro Mini.

The speedometer and its slick 3D printed case almost hide between the trucks and the board itself. Nice work [edbraun]!

His project is an excellent overview and tutorial on building an electric skateboard from scratch. An Arduino or similar microcontroller is all you need to drive these devices. For batteries, [Josh] loves LiPo packs.

Long form six cell affairs provide Plenty of power for carving your way to work! If you want to see more skateboard projects, check out our new skateboard projects list! As always, see you next week. Last week on the Hacklet we covered optical microscopy projects. Those are the familiar scopes that many of us have at work or even at home on our benches. These are scopes that you typically can use with your eye, or an unmodified camera.

Electron streams and the forces of a single atom can be used to create incredibly magnified images. We start with [andreas. The diffraction limit is the law of the land for standard optical microscopes.

Confocal microscopy is one technique used quite a bit in medicine and industry. Confocal scopes are generally very expensive, well outside the budget of the average hacker. Optical drives use voice coils to maintain focus. He also needed to drive the laser. BluBeam is still very much a work in progress, so keep an eye on it!

Next up is [MatthiasR. Open atmosphere scanning tunneling microscopes are popular on Hackaday. Environmental vibration is a huge problem with high magnification microscopes. With an input bias of 20 femtoamps! Scanning electron microscopes have to be the top of the microscopy food chain. The problem turned out to be a dodgy repair made years earlier with electrical tape.

Fast forward a couple of years of use, and [Jerry] has done quite a lot to his old machine. The slow oil diffusion vacuum pump has been replaced with a turbomolecular pump.

Finally, we have [beniroquai] with Holoscope — Superresolution Holographic Microscope. Holoscope is a device which increases the resolution of a standard camera by using the physical properties of light to its advantage. Precise tiny shifts of the object being magnified cause minute changes in a reflected image, which is captured by a Raspberry Pi camera.

The Pi can then reconstruct a higher resolution image using the phase data. If you want to see more advanced microscopy projects, check out our new advanced microscope projects list! Humans have always wanted to make small things bigger. To see that which is unseen with the naked eye. Some say it was Cornelis Drebbel, while others say Hans Lippershey. Regardless of who created the device, hackers, makers, engineers, and scientists have used microscopes to study mysteries of biology, geology, electronics, and just about anything else you can imagine.

Making quality microscopes more widely available is one of many great starting ideas for an entry. We start with [J. Kha] and Armed Microscope. Kha] was one of the backers of the original uArm over at Kickstarter.

He also does quite a bit of work with electronics. After fighting with a cheap USB microscope, he realized he had the perfect platform to control it. Microscopes usually are stationary, with the object being viewed moved on a stage. Kha] turned things upside down by mounting the microscope on his uArm. An Arduino Yun controls the system. A lucky dumpster find netted [Andy] a pile of old broken microscopes.

From this he was able to build a working classic stereo scope. Like most microscopes of its time, the old GS used standard incandescent or halogen lights for illumination. The old bulbs were long gone, and would have been a pain to replace. This type of LED is designed to run on 12 volt power which simplifies the wiring. The small LED flashlight in a custom mount also provides a bit of help for opaque subjects.

A Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 controls the show. Images come in through Pi Camera with an M12 lens. The Pi runs some open source Python code allowing it to acquire and analyze images. It also has an Arduino as a co-processor to handle anything a particular experiment may need — like RGB LEDs, heaters, manipulators, you name it. Andre sees Flypi as having uses in everything from fluorescence imaging to optogenetics and thermogenetics. Positioning samples under high magnification requires a steady hand.

Trying to image them makes things even harder. To help with this, microscopes have stages. Fine lead screws manually controlled by knobs allow the user to precisely position any subject. Automated stages are available as well, but they can get quite expensive. He used an Arduino and a motor shield to control a couple of stepper motors.

The motors are coupled to the stage knobs with rubber belts. There are also atomic force microscopes, scanning electron microscopes, and more! Complex 3D printed projects are things like robots, quadcopters, satellite tracking systems, and more.

We start with [Alberto] and Dtto v1. Each section of Dtto is a double hinged joint. When two sections come together, magnets help them align. A servo controlled latch solidly docks the sections, which then work in unison. Dtto can connect and separate segments autonomously — no human required. Both J you mentioned have universal soc so if the hexpatches are ok for both, they should be ok for all the phones with Defex.

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