Supreme commander forged alliance forver blackops mods wont download
The UI is improved, many of the original game's bugs are fixed and you can also play all campaign missions of FA or SupCom as well as some custom missions there. It has a map- and mod vault and in case you don't want to play with others you can still play solo by creating a password protected game.
The site Link [archive. So I assume any version higher than that requires FAF for compatibility reasons. It's the Featured version, re-written to be compatible with FAF. Last edited by Hollow ; 8 Aug, pm. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 6 May, am. Posts: Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts.
Issue orders from the theater of war commander's view, or zoom down into the heart of the battle and adjust your strategies on the fly. Attack with unique land, sea, and air units, wage war across frozen tundras, scorching deserts and vast oceans. Devastating experimental units will finish the job. Multiplayer Host and join teamgames with up to 16 players simultaneously or measure your skill against others in one versus one combat against players from all over the world.
Co-Op Campaign Enjoy the original Supreme Commander and Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance campaigns with up to 3 friends in addition to completely new custom made co-op campaign maps! Community Meet casual to competitive gamers. Also a Quick note on the Vault, people may notice that there is a mod Called BlackOps Tweaks, this mod is not made by us, we dont like it, we hate it, it steals from other mods as well, while they only give US credit they never gave credit to other mod authors.
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