The sims 4 all mods download

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Such as being hit by a car at random, being jumped by a murderous madman, or contracting a life-threatening ailment that requires surgery to treat. It does get updated from time to time, so if you want the most up-to-date version, click the link above.

It expands on the entire drug-dealing component of the mod, allowing you to build a criminal empire and command one of four gangs. It may not be healthy, but it is unmistakably realistic.

Since the dawn of time, alcohol and other narcotics have been a part of life, and that is unlikely to change anytime soon. Basemental Drugs strives to bring this aspect of human life to TS4. It allows your sim friends to buy, sell, and consume alcohol, cigarettes, cannabis, and a variety of other mind-altering narcotics. Sex is one of the few things that people never tyre of. We enjoy it, and our Sims should as well if we want a realistic experience in-game.

Wicked Whims goes above and above in developing everything sex-related in The Sims 4, from the Woohoo interaction to providing female Sims a fully-functional menstrual cycle complete with mood swings, cramps, changing fertility, and the need for pads and tampons. It even introduces STDs that are communicable! You may add all of these items with this add-on from fantastic creator KawaiiStacie.

It aims to enrich educational experiences for children and teenagers by offering over 30 after-school programmes. Sims who participate in these activities will gain skills, make friends, develop motivation, and may even be eligible for scholarships based on their academic success. They could be devastated by the loss of their pet one minute and delighted the next because they saw a fantastic movie, with no in-between.

The mood and emotion systems are reworked in this mod by Roburky to make them more complex and genuine. Transitioning between emotions takes time, and there are times when people are experiencing a mixture of feelings.

The automatic beards mod gives you the option to have your sims facial hair grow gradually over time and gives you the option to shave and trim your beard to bring it back to previous levels of growth. Our next mod on the list is the babies for everyone mod that lets any sim try for baby with any other sim regardless of gender.

This mod also allows all male presenting sims to get pregnant as well regardless of the gender of their partners, definitely an awesome and inclusive mod. This bachelor mod is awesome and will add these parties to your game allowing you to go off and have one last party with your friends. This mod adds functional drugs to your game and allows you to do a lot with those drugs. Your sims are able to start drug dealing and selling them to all sorts of different sims in the world and even have run ins with the police as well as tons of other stuff, definitely a fun one to check out.

For whatever reason when EA added bikes to the game with Discover University, they only made them available for teens and older which is wild to me because kids ride bikes way more than adults in my experience. This bicycle mod is really great because it adds a bike for both your sim kids and your sim toddlers, with the kids bike having these adorable baskets on the front.

This mod even has a version for toddlers which is one of those ridable cars that got super popular a few years ago. Any player who loves to take screenshots in The Sims 4 will spend a ton of time using the tab mode camera, but for whatever reason this camera is not useable if you are in build mode.

This means that you have to build a house and move a sim in if you want to get decent screenshots. Having this mod is definitely not for the family game player but it can be really fun to mix up gameplay with mods like this once in a while.

This is the best we can do until babies are no longer objects! Sometimes when I see a mod, I think wow, why is this not already a thing?

This mod adds a few new emotional socials for your sim to partake in that make a lot of sense. We are always looking for new types of hobbies for our sims to participate in and canning is something really fun to do as a skill or hobby for your sims. This functional canning station allows your sims to create their own jams, pickles and spreads.

These items are even edible with your sims having the option to eat it alone or spread it on bread. You can even sell your jams and preserves to an evil corporation to make a bit of money! These functional donut boxes are found in build mode and allow you to click on them and purchase donuts for your sims to enjoy.

The best thing is that different kinds of donuts will give your sim different emotional buffs. For example, a sim who eats a strawberry powder donut will get a flirty moodlet, but a sim who eats a banana nut muffin will get an energized moodlet. Are you looking for a way to have way more sims in your game? Well, look no further than the full house mod. This will allow you to add more than the 8 sim limit to your house which can make a lot of funny stuff happen.

Download at your own risk! It has always baffled me that there is no graduation event for high school students in a life simulator. Graduating high school is a big deal for most teenagers and it should definitely be a part of The Sims 4. This graduation event mod is really important for realism and will allow you to start a graduation event for your sim teens and it will auto-invite other teens in the world and let your family members come by. Once you reach the top of a career level 10 in The Sims 4 you can no longer be promoted, but you are able to over-max and get a higher pay level.

This mod will give you more money every single time you overmax your career so you can earn closer to 50 simoleons instead of just 10 each time allowing your sims to get even richer. For whatever reason in The Sims 4 there is really no definition between teens and adults and this bugs so many players. We desperately need more things for teens to do that no one else can do.

We need justice for teens! They will then be off in a rabbit hole for a while and when they return they will have new interactions on the computer that relate to their new hobby. This is a serious annoyance and can ruin the realism for many players.

Writing books is a really great way to earn money in the game, but for some reason once you publish the book it disappears from your inventory. A lot of players including myself have realized that The Sims 4 is no longer fun once you have too much money in your game. A big problem with this is that the salaries are very high in the game and make you earn too much income too quickly. This awesome more traits mod will add so many new traits for your sims like moody, obsessive, envious and so much more.

It just feels nice to have different traits for your sims to make them feel more interesting and different from one another. As a child of divorced, it really bugs me that there is no effect on children long term when their parents break up. This is a really hard experience for children in the real world, so it should be a harder experience in The Sims 4.

Whenever your sims are getting divorced their children both kids and teens will stop doing whatever they are doing and react to the situation and get a sad moodlet for a while, which feels more appropriate. Have you ever wanted to play The Sims 4 as a multiplayer game with your friends? This mod will remove that annoying feature of the family tree and make sure that your sims relatives will appear in their genealogy forever.

Moving sims out when they are getting older is a weird process in The Sims 4. This packing crates mod is incredible because it allows you to put large items into a crate that will go into your sims inventory. Once at the new home you can just drag the crate out from your inventory and then get the items out! But, modders can! This phone replacement mod will replace all of the sims phones in your game with amore realistic iPhone 11 that a lot of people in your real life probably carry around in their pockets each day.

There are a lot of ways to add photos to your sims home these days, but honestly, sometimes I just want a photo that has no frame and looks a little less organized and professional. This photo mod is going to allow you to have images that you can place on your sims walls without having frames, choosing from push pins or tape to have them hung up which is great for younger bedrooms and cute walls!

We are constantly looking for more interactions and deeper game play and sometimes you just want your sims to be nice to each other and appreciate the things the other can do.

This praise and admiration mod is awesome and adds a bunch of new interactions for praising, admiration and compliments. It may not seem like much, but honestly, having a parent sim be able to praise and compliment their children feels really wonderful.

I also use this when dating and have my sims admire and praise their future partners which just feels nice. Babies may be objects still in The Sims 4, but honestly, why not have more? The game currently allows your sims to have a single baby, twins or triplets and for most players triplets is more than enough. However, there are very elite simmers who can handle the life with 4, 5 or even 6 babies all at once.

This mod is going to allow you to have quadruplets, quintuplets and even with a new update sextuplets. Any time that you go ahead and live in a giant house in The Sims 4 you are going to be dealing with ridiculous bills, this seems to be a bit better now since the bills update in However, there are still instances when it is absolutely out of hand. This mod really changes up the young adult and adult life spans to make them make much more sense.

A sim can be caught cheating by their partner and just go and grab a glass of water and be completely okay two minutes later. This realistic reactions mod is great because it will add real life emotional reactions when these things happen. A sim who gets caught cheating will feel embarrassed, that sims kid will feel sad and even the other party involved in the cheating will feel embarrassed.

This mod is created by Sacrificial mods, the creator of usually less romantic mods like Extreme Violence or Armageddon. Using the slow dance mod is really beautiful and can connect your sims in a whole new way, especially if used at their wedding. Unfortunately, at the time of writing this list there are still no sleepovers in the game which is a real bummer. This sleepover mod will allow for your child sims to invite their friends over and have a wonderful sleepover and spend extra time with their besties, instead of their friends going home in the early evening.

This SNBank mod is awesome because it gives you all of the functionality of a bank, allowing you to make deposits and withdrawals, send money to other sims and so much more. There is even a functional bank venue for you to explore! Strangerville is one of those packs that was extremely fun to play with the first time but really lacks a replay level that most players need.

Are they not all wet? Something that has always bothered me in The Sims is that there has never been a nursing career branch where being a nurse was the top of the career, it was always a middle situation in a medical career. This ultimate nursing career mod is great because it adds a set of 3 branches for you to choose in the nursing profession and your sim will be so happy with their career. You can become a manager, a practitioner or an educator which are all awesome!

The application process that we got with The Sims 4: Discover University is, well, less than exciting or difficult. The Sims 4 Studio is a free-fan made program for both Windows and Mac users.

A window will open up. Click on the Add button and then navigate to your Mods folder in the window. Highlight all the mods you want to merge together, and select open. Click on the Merge button. The program will prompt you to rename your new merged. Give it a unique name and select Save. Once the status bar finishes it will take longer if you have a lot of files to merge , a pop-up will appear saying you've merged the packages successfully.

The program will automatically open up to your Mods folder when done and you'll see both your newly merged. You can safely delete the old files, OR you can copy and paste them somewhere else as a backup for example, make an Unmerged Mods folder on your desktop and keep them there , which will make it easier if you do have to delete one of the files in the future.

In the case that you do need to delete a file that you've merged, if you've kept the un-merged files copied somewhere, simply delete the individual file you want to get rid of, and delete the merged.

Then go back into Sims 4 Studio, merge the remaining files as explained above and then put the new merged. That's the basics on how to install mods and custom content for The Sims 4, as well as how to troubleshoot, uninstall and keep your Mods folder organised! Got any questions or suggestions that I haven't covered above? Feel free to leave a comment and I'll do my best to help! Hi Brittany um i dont know which one yo download i scrolled down and it said english winrar and rar release and the mac one says Rar 5.

So thank you very much! But I did have some files that were. If you know why I would dearly appreciate it!

So helpful! I wasn't extracting my mods and I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working! Your a lifesaver, Brittany! Hello, I was wondering how you would restart the game in order to get the mods especially scripted mods?

I've unzipped all the sims I've downloaded into my tray folder. I've turned on custom content in the game settings. It's still not showing up. How can I get my downloaded sims and custom content to show up? Can you use separate things from sims you've downloaded on sims you're about to create on ts4 like you can in ts3? It's not seeming like it and it's a little upsetting.

I have it enabled in the options, and I tried a bunch of the things you suggested in your troubleshooting section repairing the game on origin, deleting caches, etc. Do you have any idea how I might get my custom content enabled? My game is brand new. I know how to install cc into sims 4. It was working perfectly a few months ago. Now, I go get cc but it won't go into my game.

I still have the cc that I had a few months ago but no new cc will transfer into my game. Do you know what I can do? I freaked out during an automatic update and took my mods folder out in the middle of it. And when I went to move it back in all my mods were missing and I can't find them and no they aren't in the recycling bin : Any suggestions? Hey all my mods are in my mods folder and I have CC enabled and script mods allowed but none of my mods are showing up in my game.


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