What set me free brian banks ebook free download

Brian was surrounded by darkness, until he had epiphany that would change his life forever. From that moment on, he made the choice to shed the bitterness and anger he felt, and focus only on the things he had the power to control. He approached his remaining years in prison with a newfound resolve, studying spirituality, improving his social and writing skills, and taking giant leaps on his journey toward enlightenment.

When Brian emerged from prison with five years of parole still in front of him, he was determined to rebuild his life and finally prove his innocence. Three months before his parole was set to expire, armed with a shocking recantation from his accuser and the help of the California Innocence Project, the truth about his unjust incarceration came out and he was exonerated.

Finally free, Brian sought to recapture a dream once stripped away: to play for the NFL. Imagine being on the edge of 18 with your dreams finally coming into place; the old family car is soon to be yours, you just committed to your dream school, a documentary featuring your high school football team is filming your practices, and a prosperous football career is just a touchdown away. You imagine it now, your name being one of the fan favorites on the top 10 US sport books sites while being a top player for the NFL.

From being told he could not possibly be a juvenile because of his physical stature causing him to be tried as an adult to his lawyer pressuring him into a plea deal for a crime he did not commit. Banks remarkably overcame each and every obstacle that was put in front of him. On All Fronts 07 Sep A Christmas Legacy 09 Nov The Dark Hours 09 Nov Disability Visibility 30 Jun Mercy Street 01 Feb Face the Music 07 Dec Brothers on Three 07 Sep Bright Burning Things 07 Dec The Golden Couple 08 Mar The Land of Short Sentences 01 Mar From that moment on, he made the choice to shed the bitterness and anger he felt, and focus only on the things he had the power to control.

He approached his remaining years in prison with a newfound resolve, studying spirituality, improving his social and writing skills, and taking giant leaps on his journey toward enlightenment. When Brian emerged from prison with five years of parole still in front of him, he was determined to rebuild his life and finally prove his innocence.

Three months before his parole was set to expire, armed with a shocking recantation from his accuser and the help of the California Innocence Project, the truth about his unjust incarceration came out and he was exonerated.

Finally free, Brian sought to recapture a dream once stripped away: to play for the NFL. And at age twenty-eight, he made that dream come true. Perfect for fans of Just Mercy , I Beat the Odds , and Infinite Hope , this powerful memoir is a deep dive into the injustices of the American justice system, a soul-stirring celebration of the resilience of the human spirit, and an inspiring call to hold fast to our dreams. There was temptation all over the place, and the dark side of the city was like a magnet that sometimes sucked kids in and trapped them.

A lot of kids went in the wrong direction, got stuck right where they were and never saw anything beyond the city. She wanted more for her kids. She wanted us to get an education. To go places. She drilled it into our heads nonstop that we could accomplish whatever we wanted if we stayed on the right track.

If we worked hard. And it looked like she was going to see her dreams for our possible futures come true. Heading into that Fourth of July, all I saw was possibility. It left us all reeling.

He was a lot older than my mom, but he was the most solid father figure my brother and sister and I ever knew. It was shocking. So my mom moved us outside the city, to a townhouse on a quiet cul-de-sac—and without saying a word about it, she asked me to grow up. I was six foot one. She needed me to take on the role of protector to her and my older sister. That was clear. She also needed me to be responsible, to be the man of the house.

And she had already rewarded me for that with a gift that absolutely blew me away. I could hardly believe it. It ranks as one of the top high schools anywhere, by all sorts of measures. More than sixty NFL players have come out of Poly through the years, and I was slated to be one more.

So the pressure to perform at that school was intense. Long Beach Poly is also world renowned in baseball, basketball, and track and field.

It was all about everything. Even our music program was top-notch, producing more than one Grammy Award—winning artist. I guess another way to put it is to say our school was mixed. Not just mixed race, but mixed interests. So did a guy named Keith Kellogg Jr. There were all sorts of different groups and factions, like there are in any high school, I suppose, but no matter what group we were talking about, I got along with all of them.


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