Win10 user, can I download previous version of Chrome?

While it is often a good idea to upgrade or install the latest version that Microsoft released, e. Windows 10 version at the time of writing, there may be times where you may want to install an earlier version. One situation where this may be desirable is if major issues in the latest version make you want to sit it out or upgrade to it at a later point in time.

The downside to installing an earlier version of Windows 10 is that it is not supported for as long as the current version of the operating system. Home editions of Windows 10 are supported for 18 months in total whereas Enterprise September releases for 30 months. The guide provides guidance on downloading and installing earlier versions of Windows 10 or using the download to upgrade to an older version of Windows Many users use Windows Update or the Microsoft Update Assistant tool to upgrade; the options are not available in this situation as the latest version of Windows is offered when these services are used.

One of the easiest options available is to use the free tool Rufus to download the ISO image. Download the portable version of Rufus and run it after the download finishes. Note that you need to allow the program to check for updates as you won't get the download option otherwise. You should see an arrow next to Select in the interface.

Click on the arrow and select Download to enable the download options. Click on the boot selection menu afterwards and select Disc or Iso image please select from the items that are presented to you. A click on the download button downloads a small script and displays the download ISO image dialog to you. Select Windows 10 as the version, click continue, and under Release the version of Windows that you want to download.

You will notice that all previous versions of Windows are offered in the menu even those that are no longer supported. Select continue after you have made the selection and select the Edition in the next step and the desired language as well as the architecture bit or bit in the two final steps.

You may select to download using a browser to run the download in the system's default browser. The Windows 10 ISO image should get downloaded to the local system once you have made the final selection.

You can check out our guide on upgrading Windows 10 for detailed instructions. Home users may use the method described above to upgrade to earlier supported versions of Windows 10 or install an earlier version of the operating system from scratch.

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When searching Google for images, I don't want to see Pinterest images. If I wanted to see Pinterest images, I would search Pinterest. OLD says Ali H says MagmaCraft says I have to chose Version 69 because my machine has Intel I3 with integrated GPU running Windows 10 v so hopefully there won't be any issues! Brinks says Leah says Joseph Donahue says I am going to use extensions 6,7 which make me able to save and share any content to Facebook. My question: what difference does it make to directly share to Facebook, or using these extensions, in terms of the added Facebook ranking?

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