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Creating simple Apex trigger. Apex coding basics for learners. Asynchronous Apex. Class, Abstract, Implements, extends, interface keywords in Apex. Database Manipulation operations in apex. But before that I want to ask, if it is possible to export pictures or some icons as well?

I have some icons in my html table. How do you set the file extension? Im getting a file in dowloaded files named download but no file extension? When i export as pdf maximum 4 columns only its displayed in pdf.

How can i resolve it? I have integrated this export to excel plugin. If the record is more than 50 export to excel is not working.

Kindly help me. HI, Unable to download the script. Subcribed as vemana. Please help. Hi when i exported to a. Unless you trust its source. Is there any way to avoid this warning using code? Can I change the pdf orientation to landscape. I am more than 10 columns in the table and while exporting to pdf, the data is not shown properly. Any fix for IE 11 in particular? I trying to export html table in PPT.. Please help me to solve this issue. Hello can any one help me while downloading ppt file that file was not opening,i uninstalled my antivirus and checked but still same can any one help me how to solve this.

I want to add heading to excel generated from HTML table column merge. I need to show the heading in first two row merge two row. Can anyone help me? Please send it to me.. Email : jigar If my table having 13 columns and i will export it as pdf then only columns are displaying in the pdf file. Is there anything in code i should change for it…please suggest. You May Also Like. Unsubscribe at any time. HI, please share your code to karthi w3lessons.

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