Das experiment torrent download

They are divided up according to their interview, part of which we get to see as a way to quickly build character. Adrien Brody is a prisoner. He is the ultra liberal atheists. Forrest Whitaker, a religious fellow who believes in absolute right and wrong becomes one of the guards. The two briefly talk and connect prior to the interview process.

Breaking the rules must be dealt with "commensurately" and within 30 minutes or else the red light comes on, the experiment is over and no one gets paid. At this point I suspected two things: 1 The red light would never come on no matter what they did and 2 There were some shills within the group. I was wrong about the second one. While one of the rules was "no violence" the guards gradually test what constitutes violence. The red light becomes their "God" who "approves" of their action by inactivity.

Forrest Whitaker eventually becomes the leader of the guards, even punishing his own guards who have compassion toward the prisoners. Adrien Brody becomes his rival as the leader of the prisoners. The acting is good. The action is at a good pace.

There is human torture and beating as one might expect. This is a remake of a German movie that was made almost a decade earlier. It had been a while since I saw the original, but I did remember it fondly. I did rewatch it to get a feeling of what differences we have here or rather the Americans made. Mostly they make the movie inferior to the original. Maggie Grace never is inferior in my book of course, so I'll count her as a plus. But even her character is more or less sidelines, considering the very active role her "counterpart" in the original had.

Adrien Brody is good but his motivations are a bit unclear. And it is especially so, because part of his backstory were stripped to make this leaner and meaner I reckon. Only the former sort of succeeded, with this running almost half an hour less than the original. The introduction to the characters is nice and all in one piece with just some occasional "dreams" to escape the one location set up once the experiment starts.

This also strays away from the original. Generally speaking it is not bad if a remake tries something different. It may give something to viewers of the original Good cast here overall though. Tense, powerful, having a wonderful screenplay and outstanding direction and performances, it is another great example of how the absolute power corrupts.

Hollywood, as usual, made a remake showing how to destroy the German masterpiece. The decadent Forest Whitaker is awful, and he should have paid more attention in the acting of Justus Von Dohnanyi in the original film, as the sadistic Berus, instead of using grimaces.

The writer and director Paul Scheuring is ridiculous, using sexual premises and sadistic situations freely. I feel sorry for the ridiculous reviews from viewers that have not seen "Das Experiment" and are happy watching this silly American crap.

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Jemand berichtet von Experimenten an Kindern. Ob diese Experimente vor langer Zeit stattgefunden haben und ob sie mit Einwilligung der Eltern geschehen sind, bleibt Vermutung. Mit Angela Winkler, als Sprecherin der deutschen Fassung, begegnen sich in diesem "Experiment" auch die verschiedenen Versionen zweier sehr unterschiedlicher Darsteller.


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