Dji assistant windows 10 download
Fabro Posted at Hi Guys! Mascupz Offline. I had the same problem, I uninstalled and replaced with v1. How about the others with this issue, no one mentioned was OS platform they are running. For me, it just works My installation definitely works, I've upgraded firmware several times.
I did not have to do anything special to install or run it on Windows 10 x64, whatever the fully patched version is. Add me to the list of people that have done all the steps and still get the "how to connect to Aspire" screen. Tried safe mode instructions by Nees, still no joy. I'm reading that I need this software to fix the 2-light battery problem on my Mavic without sending it back to DJI.
I'm jealous that your computers loaded this correctly. I tried another and had success. Make sure you try multiple cables after installation! TonyJ Offline. Not sure if this will help the problem others were having, but I just spent most of the night trying to activate a pair of Goggles RE.
Long story short--it was the version number of the Assistant 2. I downloaded the links from the support section for v 1. I installed it, and everything finally worked. Not even sure I can find that link again, but it wasn't in the support section for the Goggles. I only knew the version to look for because the Goggles said to look for a version greater than 1.
But who would think to look on the device for that info. Just by luck that I saw it and stopped trying to connect to an "unrecognized device. I am sure that many of the problems I have seen discussed could have been remedied with the newest support versions. I was at, least, able to activate the Goggles with the newest I think version of Assistant 2. Still working on the no video from drone issue. Baby steps. And I do not have an Osmo mobile as shown in my avatar.
Maybe they are planning to send me one since I am such a nice guy. No idea why it is showing that instead of an Air and Goggles. Gregs77 Offline. B1houdini Offline. This has been a problem with others. Hope it helps. MitchAG Offline. I DID make the unsigned driver change, and installed as "admin.
Tried the win10 dji usb drivers, too - no luck there, also. About us. DJI Agriculture. Agras MG Series Comparison. Repair Services One-stop aftersales service for worry-free repairs. Services Plans Comprehensive care services providing peace of mind. More Services Master your product with these guides.
Proceed to Checkout. Login Register. Top Downloads. DJI Apps. DJI Assistant 2 Series. DJI WookongM Assistant is a program that allows you to control the flight system for commercial, industrial, and professional multi rotor platforms. You can understand the working status by observing the LEDs and listening to the sound. Naza-M Assistant Software is an autopilot multi-rotor system that provides excellent self-leveling and altitude holding.
Phantom 2 Vision Assistant Software enables you to control and configure your Phantom 2 Vision device. DJI transcoding tool Update Assistant and Windows Therefore the below Assistant 2 settings and utilities will be very similar.
Their equipment all have a micro USB port. It is different for their quadcopters. Now, with older versions of the DJI Assistant 2, it was very easy to modify your Mavic Pro quadcopter to make changes to flight parameters and other features. The latest version of the DJI Assistant 2 Mavic software contains the below components, which we will look at in turn.
The DJI Assistant 2 software is not a cellphone app. It is installed on computers and there are Windows and Mac versions. If you look at the above components and utilities, you can see that the DJI Assistant is very much aimed towards helping to backup, identify, troubleshoot and fix issues with the Mavic Pro.
Information such as Data Upload and Black Box can be made available to DJI to identify issues where they can examine the flight history and component data to see how to fix the drone. The data can also be used to make improvements through firmware updates. DJI drones are really like flying computers with top cameras. When troubleshooting a computer and likewise with the Mavic Pro, doing a firmware update or restoring to the factory default will fix many issues.
Calibration is also a vital step in trying to fix flight issues. The DJI Assistant 2 contains the vision sensor calibration utility which you are read more on below. The version for the Mavic Mini is V2. For Windows laptops, you have a choice to download a zip or executable file. The latest Assistant 2 version at the time of writing is 2 v1. Below we look at each component of the DJI Assistant and how it can help you in understanding and helping fix your Mavic quadcopter.
In this area of the DJI Assistant 2 Mavic software, you can see your present firmware version and whether there is a new firmware update available. You can also read the release notes if there is a new firmware available. You may also see an older Mavic firmware version.
You may need to downgrade to an older version if you installed the latest firmware and it contained a bug which caused problems with your Mavic Pro quadcopter or remote controller.