Free download harvest moon back to nature psp iso

Over the course of the game the player must build a thriving farm, and become a friend of the citizens of Mineral Town. Throughout the game the player must balance between attending to the farm and interacting with other characters to maintain friendships. In order to begin with the story, the player must overcome the first obstacle of reestablishing the farm by getting rid of weeds and planting new crops. Once that is done a time frame of three years to completely rejuvenate the farm begins. Time passes while the player is outdoors, and pauses inside different buildings such as shops or barns and mines.

Both the growing of crops and raising of livestock require daily attention and the expenditure of time. Player starts off with an assortment of rudimentary farming tools which can later be upgraded and refined to allow for a more efficient work rate, allowing more work to be done with less energy. Energy is the predominant element of the game, affecting all other aspects of it, particularly in the early stages. The main character can perform a limited amount of tasks each day.

Rather than displaying an energy bar, the game instead shows the character becoming more tired as he performs more tasks. There are weather patterns as well as four different seasons in the game, often changing at random but also when certain progress is made. Player can participate in a number of activities, such as betting on horse races, dating and partaking in festivals which coincide with the seasons.

Game yang sangat berkelas game yang cocok untuk netbook, laptop dan Komputer PC. Ini adalah game PS1 terbaik ukuran kecil karena didunia game ini paling banyak di mainkan oleh kalangan anak-anak maupun orang dewasa.

Sebelum kita download yuk kita lihat dulu reviewnya. It's a game about a young man who's trying to live the farm which his grandpa's gave to him. It's full of wild grass and unfenced.

You can also pick 1 of 5 girls in the town to be your wife. You can also have a baby, too. Characters from Harvest Moon 64 were transferred to be the characters in this game, although with new lifestyles, personalities, and relatives, including the wooable girls from Harvest Moon 64 Ann, Elli, Popuri, Maria, and Karen.


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