Free download over the rainbow what a wonderful world

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C ooo-ooo Em ooo-ooo F ooo-ooo C ooo-ooo. F ooo-ooo E7 ooo-ooo Am ooo-ooo F ooo-ooo. C Somewhere Em over the rainbow, F way up h C igh. Oh C somewhere Em over the rainbow, F blue birds C fly. F And the C dreams that you dream of,. G dreams really do com Am e tru F e. Some C day I'll wish upon a star. Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! Stewart was never better on the air than in this drama of Britt Ponset, frontier drifter created by Frank Burt.

The epigraph set it up nicely: "The man in the saddle is angular and long-legged: his skin is sun dyed brown. The gun in his holster is gray steel and rainbow mother-of-pearl. People call them both The Six Shooter. Stewart was right in character as the slow-talking maverick who usually blundered into other people's troubles and sometimes shot his way out.

His experiences were broad, but The Six Shooter leaned more to comedy than other shows of its kind. Ponset took time out to play Hamlet with a crude road company. He ran for mayor and sheriff of the same town at the same time. He became involved in a delighful Western version of Cinderella , complete with grouchy stepmother, ugly sisters, and a shoe that didn't fit.

And at Christmas he told a young runaway the story of A Christmas Carol , Substituting the original Dickens characters with Western heavies. Britt even had time to fall in love, but it was the age-old story of people from different worlds, and the romance was foredoomed despite their valiant efforts to save it. So we got a cowboy-into-the-sunset ending for this series, truly one of the bright spots of radio.

Unfortunately, it came too late, and lasted only one season. Basil Adlam provided the music and Frank Burt wrote the scripts. Hal Gibney announced. Reviewer: Drestakil - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - September 3, Subject: Great Program I used to listen to this show while I was driving over the road. A great show. I listened to every episode.

Jimmy Stewart was the perfect person to voice this character. You can see the action as it unfolds. Plus, it's always interesting to see how many voices I can recognize. Reviewer: newdickmorris - - April 29, Subject:. Jimmy Stewart had a remarkable talent of ramping up the tension in a scene just by whispering. Very effective, but I wonder how audible it was coming through an old AM radio back in the day. Reviewer: harron68 - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - January 29, Subject: Beyond the Plains One of the best.

Taut scripts, careful suspense building, great cast, in short few weak points. I agree the "aw shucks" demeanor of Ponsett was a bit much. Still, among the finest series radio has to offer. Reviewer: golfpro72 - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - August 9, Subject: Jimmy Stewart I see that a couple people say that JS is not a good actor and messes up lines, talks over people, etc. Just wonderful radio westerns that are great listening.

Chuck Abinante. Barber Above is the proper spelling when the subject of Howard McNear comes up! Ya know, the more series I listen to, the more good old Floyd shows up! I just heard Floyd in an Escape episode. Books Explore our library and use wonderful books in your lessons! Share Have you made a great resource? Share it here!

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