Ghow to download mods 1.12.2
Downloading Minecraft mods is extremely easy, and there are a number of relatively safe sources to find mods. Some modders have webpages where you can download a mod directly from the source, but it can be tough to tell whether or not a personal site like that is safe.
The safest way to download Minecraft mods is to go to a source like The Minecraft Forum where mod creators upload their mods. The flip side of that is that you should avoid locations where people have uploaded mods that they didn't create, since there's no way to tell if the files have been altered. Downloading a Minecraft mod is as simple as locating a mod you want on one of these sources and downloading the mod file.
The mod will then be saved to your computer, and you'll be able to install it. There are a lot of different ways to install Minecraft mods, but the most popular one is a program called Forge.
This method requires you to download Forge, and it isn't compatible with all mods, but it is extremely easy. Mods are usually harmless, and you can typically just delete them if they don't work the way you expected or you just don't want them anymore.
However, there's always a chance that something could go wrong. With that in mind, it's a good idea to make a copy of your Minecraft. If a mod won't install, make sure that it is compatible with your versions of Forge and Minecraft. There are also cases where one mod can prevent another mod from working. Mods for the non-Java version of Minecraft are called add-ons, and they aren't free. You buy them from the Minecraft store, which you can access from inside the game. There aren't as many add-ons available as there are mods for the original Java version of Minecraft, but you can find skin packs, texture packs, worlds, and what microsoft calls 'mashups' in the store.
Since the add-on ecosystem is closed, the process of getting add-ons is a lot simpler, and safer, than getting mods for the Java version. If something goes wrong please re-install Minecraft. Downloading Mods Thousands of people from around the world are sharing their mods every day. To install a Minecraft mod, follow these steps: Make a backup file of your Minecraft world. This will allow you to have access to your original folder and preserve your original game, settings, and creation.
Download Minecraft Forge. This third-party tool will help with easily adding mods to your different Minecraft worlds. Next time you launch the game, you should have a new profile entitled Forge.
Logging into this will provide access to a new menu option called Mods, where you can apply them to your new gameplay. Download compatible mods. Make sure you have your newly downloaded add-ons ready to be accessed. We will need to move these to a new folder for complete installation. Select your mods and run them. Once you run your mods, you will see them applied directly to your game! Customizing Other Players Mods An extra challenge for you is to try to figure out how to add something neat to a mod that someone else has made.
Follow these steps: Test the mod to see what it does, and compare that to what it is supposed to do. Read the code, and draw it out. As you add code, test, test, test! A Mod, simply, is an 'addon' made for Minecraft that normally adds items into the game. The Xp you are giving to this user will be subtracted from your xp points. Celinekhairalla October 26, Celinekhairalla October 24, Chat Bubbles [1. Thor October 13, Andrei De Stefani October 7, Andrei De Stefani October 5, Andrei De Stefani October 3, Twilight Forest [1.
WhiteWolf September 29, Now open your Minecraft Launcher. Select the Minecraft Forge version profile for version 1. Click Play. The Mod will now get installed into your game! And if successfully installed will see the Minecraft game start page and number of Mods installed. Tip 1: Each Minecraft Forge profile used will access the same.
This means you can only keep the mod files that match the same Minecraft Forge version in this mod folder. To try a mod using a different another Minecraft version than before for example, instead of 1. Tip 2: Minecraft needs to be closed when you copy in mod files into the mod folder. Shut down Minecraft, add your mod files into the mod directory, and then click the Minecraft Launcher. Tip 3: Sometime a mod will fail to load or a Minecraft Forge version will fail to load and crash.
Many times just trying again click Play again will install it fully and work! Tip 5: Certain mods require additional dependency mod files typically a library mod or special functionality mod that enhance the base functionality in the particular mod before they can be installed correctly.
They depend on additional mod files in order to work. Modding is a great way to customize your experience in the game, and mods allow players to inject their own creativity into their open Minecraft worlds. One of the great things about Minecraft modding is that anyone and everyone can add their own spin on things.
You have the ability to create your own mods, share them with the community, and gain notoriety for creating some cool in-game ideas!
Additionally, you can also download, install, and remix other player-made mods, creating a constant evolution of the ways to play the game. Unless your writing unique code from scratch and building your own mod, the best way to start to experience this world of customization is to download other players already-created mods.
After downloading, you can then easily install them into your game and begin using them immediately!