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Most of the well-known films are Amharic film. Ethiopian well-knows actors include, Sayat Demissie, Selam Tesfaye, and Danayit Mekbib, who all have a number of Amharic film in their portfolio. Ethiopia comedy is as old as the country, although mostly in theatres, local entertainment places and local community settings. Over the last decade or so, Ethiopian comedy artists have produced numerous Ethiopia comedy videos in Amharic, Tigrigna, Oromo, etc. Ezega Entertainment selects the best of the best of these videos for you.
To browse our latest collections, please visit our Ethiopian Comedy video category. More and more Ethiopian news today are posted in video format on Youtube.
Ethiopian news agencies, Ethiopian government agencies, individual Ethiopian artists, Ethiopian promoters, and Ethiopian websites of various types post Ethiopian videos of different varieties.
Some are about Ethiopian news today, some are Ethiopian documentaries, and others are promotional video types. Ezega Entertainment selects the most important latest Ethiopian news videos for you. These days, Ethiopian videos of all kinds are found on Youtube. One can search for different Ethiopian videos on Youtube. However, searching and finding the right Ethiopia video can be very time consuming.
That is where Ezega Entertainmant comes to your rescue. Ezega Entertainment has thousands of Ethiopian videos of all varieties selected for you, handpicked by our staff from time to time. Please click each of these categories and see what we have for you. We hope you will enjoy our vast collection of Ethiopian videos at Ezega Entertainment and hope you will make Ezega.
Thank you! Ezega Entertainment Ezega Entertainment is a vast section that includes thousands of Ethiopian videos, Blog articles, Forums, and Events page, among other things. Ethiopian Videos Ezega Entertainment brings you high quality, individually selected entertainment videos for you to view from the comfort of your home.
New Ethiopian Music Ethiopia has more than 80 languages and ethnic groups. Ethiopian Comedy Ethiopia comedy is as old as the country, although mostly in theatres, local entertainment places and local community settings.
Posted By :. Total votes :. Video viewed :. Not rated. The musical instruments used are traditionally and uniquely designed drums, chordophones, aerophones such us the Washint. Reggae and jazz music are becoming popular with local artists joining such genres with traditional melodies to create hybrid music.
Amharic Music. Amharic Music - Ethiopian Music Amharic Music is an Ethiopian music streaming website that allows you to listen to Amharic songs by various Ethiopian artists. About Amharic Music Amharic music is made up of unique and traditional melodies and sounds.