Industrial craft mod 1.7 10 download
Question: Bukkit? Answer: No, stop bugging me already! Question: Somebody made X but it doesn't work!? This includes config-setup programs, texturepacks, modified versions, tutorials, videos and quite everything else. If you use stuff of other people, ask THEM if somethign isn't correctly working.
Question: Where do I find the config? Question: My game crashes upon equipping armor? Answer: You installed the nanosuit file without enabling in the config. Answer: Nope. Question: I heard something about Jetpack modes?? Answer: Yes, at beggining the HoverMode is disabled, but you can change that by holding Space and pressing H.
Question: Is there going to be any support for HD textures? Answer: Nope, i'm a fan of 16x16 and will not do anything from myside to create some compatibility for crappy HD versions. There are several Texture-Addons here: forum. Question: I've installed the nanosuit file, but minecraft crashes. Answer: You forgot to enable the nanosuit in the config file. Question: Is this mod compatible with X? Answer: Can't tell you. This mod should be compatible with everything that's ModLoader-compatible.
Exception: If you are using the Nanosuit expansion, this mod can cause incompatibilitys with other mods modifying the fd. Question: I have blackscreen, your mod sucks, fix UP! Like everyone else around the forum. OR you used incompatible versions. Keep in mind, not everything is compatible with everything else! This exspecially applies to ModLoader, which is required for this mod. Question: Will you make this mod SMP compatible? Question: Which IDs does your mod use?
Answer: Check the IC2. Heat Based Machinery. Rotation Based Machinery. Fuel Rod Empty. TFBP - Compression. CF Pellet. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Namespaces Page Discussion. Views Read View source View history. Navigation Main page Recent changes Random page.
This page was last edited on 26 August , at Energy and Wiring. EU Storage Blocks. EU Charge Pads. EU Storage Items. Advanced Generators is a small modification that will add engines to the game. Each of them will use a different type of fuel to generate energy. Using numerous modifications, you probably noticed that in the world of Minecraft there is more of the same type of ores, which were actively duplicated and simply did not allow users to navigate normally in the virtual expanses.
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Industrial Craft Mods for Minecraft 1. All 1. All Forge Fabric Rift. By date Popular Visited Commented. Compacter [1. Category: Mods. Open Modular Turrets [1. Compact Solars [1. Advanced Generators [1. UnDict [1. Minecraft: Java. More Furnaces. Try it now Download the launcher, install in one click and play on any servers. You will like it!