Isd from the ground up 4th edition pdf download
What do you think happened between the two photos? Thev f. BLLt, cngae. Which syllable are they stressed on?
Do you tl-inx I lt neve, faget you is a oromise oeople usually Leep or break? II 2nd syllable Complete the sentences in your own words. Are your sentences the same or different?
B 3A I Don't wotry I change it. Fli, to the shop and Jack. Give examples or reasons. Reasons o usually It depends. Do vou think dreams can telt us aryrhing about the flture?
Listen to a psycl"oanalyqt ta'k:ng to a patient about his dreams. Dr Melloni So, te me, what d d you dr-. Cc on. Te me. And then ro Dr Your feet? Dr th. Check your answers to d. What do you think the meaning could be? Listen and find out. Mark it PP Then look at the cther sentences. Vark them P the past , PR the present , or How are ea and ear pronounced in these words? Have you ever had this dream before? You're going to meet a lot ol peop e. You : e W work n an office. You are fee ng positive.
What's the most common pronunciation of a ea and b ear? Which of the eight dreams have a good meaning? Complete the meaning of each dream. Youte probably very Listen and check.
Compare with a partner. Do you think the meanings are true? B Don't wory. B No, she's on ho iday. Watch or listen and answer the questions. MahaliaJackson was a musical legendvrho helped to bring gospelmusic from the church to large audiences. Mahalia oftenwentwith King on civil rights demonstrations and marches, includinginto the mosi hostile parts of the South, and she sang at the events. It vras, in the words of KinS's adviser Clarence Jones, 'one ofthe world's greatestgospel singers vers ty io pass her A evels say this in English?
Mahelia was with King, who was goin8to give afive-minute speech. Beforethe day itself, he and his advisers decidedwhat he was going to say. King looked atMahalia.
Do you th nf we' leave work on time toniqht? Nave you seen them? Complete the sentences with the the opposite verb in brackets. B I told Nick thai it's Jane's birthday on Fr day. I don't think so. She's worked 5 A I'm getting the 8. B t's 8. We 7 A B I'm going to put h's too o d.
You a parking :. Write the predictions with the words in Head t. Copy the rhythm. H, u ,reJd ,e. Dut sonedrins is brppenlng. Peter do the washins up. Write a sentence for each picture. I you can take lt back and get a reflrnd. Complete the puzzle. TV that yo! My brother wants to flnd a new job because he never c What 1. I'm No, I wasn't lstening Cou d you get m-. Yes, it quite e who were e ther under 25 or over When Eva discover that :?
She be leves that something happened to thelr brains whlle they watch TV at that time. Re-order the letters in brackets I 2 to make modifiers. You need to choose restaurants carefu y in London bo. I can p ay the guitar, but l'm was uiqet diff cLrlt, That test I got most of the answers right. Then listen agajn and repeat the words. Think of rwo imporLant tips yoL, coL d give!
Are your tips there? Read lop tips A-c. Sofiy, l,ve forgolten your nome. TOP Don'1be the frsiperson to osk oboul unch. E Think obout everylhing thol you've TIP:s ll you con't, don't be ofroid to osklor hetp.
What problems d;d they have? What advice from the article in I would you give them? I Listen again. Answer with 5 5imon , C Claire , or B both of thern. How is it pronounced? Have you ever had a problem on your is Listen and complete questions with three or four first day in a new job, or in a new class or school?
What was it? Do rou thinl it! Swap roles for the last five questjons, With a partner, write a How to survive Choose one of the titles below, and try to think of at least four tips.
Organize your tips in a logical order. Start each one with an inrperative, e. Then explain why. What is it? Read abor. Match them to the sound pictures. Then practise saying the words. AiriKivifrom the : ' : Listen once. How does the bank work? Choose the correct description. Which word in c did you hear? Do you thlnk it cou d work n your country? Flave you heard of any simi ar prolects?
Do they work we l? What can you offerto do? What would you ike other people to do for you? A tell Baboutthe live things. Say why. B ask for more information. Who to? What about? How much did you understand? Which one s? Which one? Do you think British people are good at learning your language? Read an article about a language earning experiment. Complete each paragraph with a topic sentence, A A F.
So whai happened after four weeks? C Max decided to earn Span sh. D Mot vatlon s otrvious y a prob em. F The stuaton in Brtish schoo s doesn't he p either. Read the article aqain. Why d d lvax decide to learn Span sh? Now d d he earn? A newspaper il Do Now look a't an extract from the article in 2. Does the highlighted phrase mean? Which phrases mean? Which test do you think for him?
Which do you think was the most difficult? Listen and check your answers. The drver understood the name ofthe stadium. N4ax's linal mark was elght. How well do you think you could do Max's four tests in English? What do you have to say? Listen to questions 1 and 2, and 3 7 and again. Ask and answer a!
Watch or listen again and answer the quest;ons. Jenny nvite him to do? Cornplete the You hear phrases. Match the phrases and photos. You what's the matter? What ar-. Ask and answer with a partner.
Use Have you gat? Yes,I have. Give more lnformation if you can. Look at the social English phrases. Can you remember any of the missing ln pairs, role play the conversation. A lbook c osed You don't fee very we L Decide what symptoms.! Are you al erglc to anything? You t have. Then practise them with a partner. A lvly coid has completely disappeared. Watch or listen to Rob and Jenny. Rob wants to 9o back io h s hote because he's tired.
Read the information box about have got. Watch or isten and repeat the phrases. B Thanks so much lt was for inviting C lt s getting me ate. Don'r wory. I've got a girl and a boy. No,I haven't. I haven't got children. See t appendix p. Do r 2A No. B Yes, I want I ,,oped to be ill. Not very nice. Complete the sentences with the inlinitive with to of a verb from the list. We hope 3 She wasn't enjoyins oo 2 after What are you p anning to do this weekend?
We Gtudy German because we didn't ike the classes. Our schoo has no unlform. We 2 do. Our school football team is great, but we're very rugby. We've ost every match this yea. Complete the sentences with a word from the list. They're often friendlier and much Hiring a car n a new city can be difficult. B cdo. Sotry, we haven't got any aspirin, but we've gc: some ibuprofen.
No, I don't think so. Take these cough sweets. They' make you fee 7 Take one three hours. How e One every three hours. Howro That's B gl you're fee lng bett,"r. There isn't any more. No, l' walk. Read the artrcle. Lrrcle a, b, or c. Thc pcoplc olBhutan rvant to kecp I airclelthe sound that is different. Itr licr, ir's onc olrhc lon! Look at the sentences. Answer questions Then talkto a partner. Which ofthethree pieces of advice do you agree with? Whal should the people do?
Ithink aboutor1lluture rogether. He has alrcadylivcd lile. I'm juststarting myIife. I rvant to have children. Ilovehin'r and Iwantto be with him, but I alsowantto sharethe adventures ol lilewith someonc.
What's the difference between the two sounds? A,U O8. Then listen and check. With a Partner, say what you think the problem is. Who hras it from? How anany emaits do you get? Who are they lsuatly from? E your flighi,,vill be delayed. Read the first two paragraphs of the article and check.
Who was Murphy? What is his 'Law'? G there'llbe a long queue at security. Do any of these things or things like this often happen to you? It will only rain il you forget to take yor lr umbrella These are examples olMu. How many of the laws can you remember? Look at the laws again. What tense is the verb alter if? What form is the other verb? He was trying to improve safety ior pilots ffying mihta. Do you have the same or similar? I important, Ifyoure late for your Ilight, Il you lose a glove and buy a new pair,..
If you order something online, First listen to six extracts, and circlg the words and phrases that you hear. The undelined verbs are mistakes. What verbs should they be? Then ask and answer the questions with a partner.
Sue wanted 4 I ' ltl'oLg't twoJdbe ed y oo o. I Peter didn t have any qua lflcations. Have you ever had a Murphy's Law experience? Some ofthe confusing verbs in 4 are homophones, e. I can't hear you. Please O8. B l'm from Warsaw. Nice to meet you. First look at the photos on this page. Then answer the questions with a partner. Alter wrllins i short. What tells the speakers? What do yo! A read Part 2 until' Then B read the rest of Part 2.
I hcird. Think about the story so far: who do you think the lady on the stairs is? Who was Viv enne? Did the ending surprise you? HaLtlet," she saiLl. ComPlete them with my or mine. Everyone is as eep,'she 'Vivienne Complete the get phrases. She forgot his birthday, but he d dn't a her b hers c good this TV programme? Il Iour qlrcu.
The pan- eled walls are in two tones of gray- green, the ceiling ocher. Curtains are antique gray-green satin, Furniture is walnut, except lor the mahogany bed, which has a yellow talleta spread, Fireside chairs are covered in crimson dam- ask side chairs in turkey work. An alternative color scheme would be: warm gray walls with oyster white moldings. The ceiling would be cream, the carpet solid taupe, and the curtains of blue damask.
The bed would have a white moire spread and blue val- ance, The side chairs would lie. Ramage, James Peale, and Charles Wilson cotton and linen, cashmere, calico, dimity, ple, pine, and cherry PeaJe,Important manufacturers were, of durance, stout worsted cloth, turkey work The Chippendale style merges at one end wallpaper, Jackson of Battersea England tufted "pilelike" , paduasoy strong silk , soy with Queen Anne, at the other with Hep- and, window and bottle glass, Baron of shalloon, watchet, linsey-woolsey, fustian, plewhite, Sheraton, and Duncan Phyfe.
The Stiegel and Caspar Wistar, silkmuslin, chintz, Indian calico, tabby, sar- Rococo mounts to its zenith and starts to Fabrics most commonly used during the canet, taffeta, horsehair, camak. Walnut has a new Colonial period were damask, camblet, In- and brocade, mahogany And American craftsmen rival in dian gimp and binding, moreen woolen Woods most commonly used were oak, produced pieces of a quality which compares drapery cloth , harrateen cloth, block-printed ash, elm, red cedar, mahogany, walnut, ma- favorably with English work.
Sideboards, lowboys, chests Dining room accessories Armchairs, side chairs. Marble was imported until after the Revo- was found only in imported work prior to the lution when domestic marbles began to be Revolution. Fireplace openings with neither used. Marble chimney pieces, window sash, cornice nor mantel shelf were long common. It was started in the closing years of the in Trenton. The curtains are of beige damask, the sofa upholstered in red and gold damask.
Gold damask is used for the armchairs, yellow damask for the. The Oriental rug is wine red in tone, the furniture, mahogany. The clock is of ox-blood marble. An alternate scheme would have light gray-blue walls and woodwork. The draperies would be yellow damask, the chairs up- holstered in green damask. The furniture and fabrics shown in panels at right would also be suitable for the Federal living room. The Federal style is at its most suave and elegant in the furniture of Duncan Phyfe, a Scotch cabinetmaker who arrived in New York about He did not originate a style; he translated prevailing fashions into fine craftsmanship.
Thomas Sheraton, then the current English favorite, and the French Di- rectoire cabinetmakers set the styie. Aii these designers were profoundly influenced by a rediscovery of the classic splendors of Greece and Italy Reeding of table, chair, and sofa legs and other framing members gives elegance to Federal furniture. Contrasting color veneer Is used to outline the edges of tables and desks and to lend interest to large plain surfaces,.
The furniture is mahogany. An alternate scheme would include: soft gray-green. The sconces, clock and picture frames would be gilt. The rug would then be olive green with a design in yellow and pink. The upholstery would be blue, except for red satin on the seat of the desk chair, Other furniture and fabrics suitable for this room are shown at right. Another characteristic subtlety is the raised Federal pieces. They have brass feet and transparencies in windows, painted on fans, hairline of wood, known as a cock beading, casters, ring handles, and other types of inlaid in mirrors, desks, knife boxes, and which is used to finish off the edges of applied ornament.
Toward the end of the brass work. The "Spread Eagle" became a drawers. Phyfe used white wood linings for period, about , china and glass knobs favorite tavern sign, All kinds of historic the drawers in his furniture, instead of the began to supplant brass rings as drawer scenes and patriotic emblems appear as pine linings universally employed by other pulls, decoration on clocks.
American cabinetmakers of this period. The new United States was in its first And yet, the Classic influence was even Brass ornaments probably for the most throes of nationalism; consequently its em- stronger than the patriotic. Armchairs, side chairs Sideboards, chests of drawers Dining room accessories. Dressing tobies, wardrobe, chests Chairs, stools, tables, desks Bedroom accessories. Silver and Sheffield plate satinwood used in European models.
After Federal furniture motifs. Ireland sent Waterford glass. Fireplace designs Drapery treatments for five different types of window. Secretaries, bookcases, cabinet, chest Desks, tables, piano, music desk Living room accessories. It is simplified into a series of rounded grooves and ridges with a raised tapering ridge up the center. The tyre was used to fill in the backs of chairs, to decorate the arms of sofas, and split apart to support mirrors on dressing.
Two crossed lyres are used as support for a pedestal table. The silk curtains are richly embroidered in many colors on a yellow ground which echoes the gilt frames used for pictures and mirrors. An alternative color scheme would be to have the walls painted dark gray-green with carving picked out in gold. The wall-to-wall carpet would be taupe, the upholstery of the wing chairs yellow Italian damask.
Chippendale was a dominating factor in the history of Georgian furniture design and his name serves as a convenient tag for the period centering in the reign of the second of the three Georges who provide the period title.
Yet this English cabinetmaker achieved. To fill this book Chippendale commandeered all the ideas he could lay his hands on and then embroidered them with his own fancy, adapted them to his From the craftsmen of the early eighteenth charm of which the earlier furniture makers own forms. He plundered the design man- century Chippendale borrowed such tested had never been capable.
But to each of them he added a grace and ished during the mid-eighteenth century He. H But ere the walls are pine-paneletl, the wood being natural honey color. Alternatively, the walls might be painted light blue as a background for yellow brocade curtains.
The mahogany table and chairs stand on an Oriental rug which repeals colors found in the needlepoint upholstery. The dominant tone is. Alternatively the walls could be pale green, the carpet brown, the upholstery blue-green and yeliow, the ceiling pale apricot. In the panels at right are other pieces suitable for a room of this type. This was due less to the potter, and of Edmund Burke, the orator. His earlier work to his own publicist. He was the first cabinetmaker to Garrick, Gibbon, and Goldsmith, all added designs, his love of gilt and gaudy color, his publish a book of furniture designs.
The their wit and intelligence to the creation of a fascination with the exotic - all typical of the influence of his Director was particularly sturdy culture.
In his Chippendale is the first personality in the ant ornament to suit their clients' taste and. Dining tables, side tables, console Pedestals, wine coolers Dining-room accessories.
Chests of drawers, secretary, desk Dressing tables, night stands, stools Bedroom accessories. For it must be design. Rosewood was another material in an infinite variety of fretted ornament, as well remembered that many of the published favor. Pine was used for paneling and also for as the more obviously Oriental pagoda designs were too complex for reproduction intricate carving as, for example, on mirror forms. From the France of Louis XV come the in the solid, even by the most highly skilled frames.
In the latter case it was usually gilt. Such designs were intended Amboyna was occasionally used, mostly for scrolls so typical of the rococo style of for inspiration oniy. Wall paneling and painted decoration. The Classic detail was in carved stone or molded stucco. At right are details of the architectural background at this period. All these colors are repeated in the rug. The dark brown red of polished mahogany appears in the doors and furniture.
Some of the smaller pieces are inlaid with satinwood. Alternatively the walls might be pale pink with white mold- ings. Upholstery would he blue green exeept for the chairs by the fire in lemon yellow brocade and the sofa in gold satin. Chippendale went for inspiration to Chi- nese and Gothic decoration. Characteristic of this period is the perfect birth, architects by profession. They did not unimportant to deserve their attention.
The coordination between architects, painters, consider their job at an end when they had best craftsmen would then be employed to and furniture designers. The four Adam designed the shell of a house. Every detail of carry out their designs. Chippendale and brothers - John, Robert, James, and furnishing, decoration, and lighting was es- Hepplewhite, perhaps Sheraton also, made William, who trademarked themselves the designed by the pecially Adams to give a furniture for the Adams.
Adelphi Greek for brothers - were Scots by rounded effect. Green and heige enliven the carpet and painted ceiling design.
Alternatively the wall paintings might he brighter and more varied in color, including Naples yellow, mauve and green. Curtains and chair seats would be cherry, the ceiling painting cinnamon brown and white.
The mahogany bed is covered in white taffeta trimmed with apple green, and the armchair upholstery is cinnamon and gold-striped damask. Curtains are white silk, gold-trimined. Alternatively the color scheme might be based on gold and white with blue green silk on the bed and yellow satin upholstery on the armchair for contrast.
In the panels to the right are a number of authentic pieces which might be used in a Georgian bedroom such as this. This was couches that folded up to become tables. Here probably because Hepplewhite was more These were designed for use in those bed- is seen the changing fashion: lowboys are strongly influenced than Sheraton by con- rooms which were now doubling as parlors being supplanted by dressing tables, high- temporary French work, which was during the day boys by wardrobes.
Color and inlay become enlivened by a profusion of delicate curves. This later Georgian period has often been more popular than carving, with Sheraton as Of particular interest in Sheraton's work are labeled the Age of Satinwood, All the design- the champion of inlay against painting. Armchairs, side chairs Commodes, sideboards, cupboard Diningroom accessories. Italian painters were brought in - tempted in his own words "to unite ele- wood and amboyna, ebony sycamore, holly Pergolesi, Zucchi, and Cipriani to provide - gance with utility and to blend the useful kingwood, and lime, Ivory and brass inlay the background of decoration, Angelica Kauf- with the agreeable.
Hepplewhite at-. The center panel of this fagade is of stone, the remainder in two shades of painted. A characteristically pale range of colors keeps this room in period. The walls are a pinkish gray, the doors gray and gold.
The curtains are oyster white bound in gray and the rug predomi- nantly white except for green and gold in the center. Green recurs in the upholstery of the armchair, side chairs and sofa, and gold satin in the sofa and meridienne by the fireplace.
For added color the fireside pieces might be upholstered in red satin, the other furniture in gold and blue striped satin.
The Directoire was France's recovery pe- riod after theshock of a six-year revolution. Friezes- mid i metiers. The Directoire, established in , lasted only a brief four years; but this was long mingyim enough for the designers to sketch in the outlines of a new style. With the rise of Napoleon to absolute power, the delicate style of the Directoire Fig. The symmetrical shapes of They were not, as decorated by a rule,.
Most typically it took the form of gilded. The walls are painted oyster white picked out with yellow moldings. Above the doors are white Classic figure paintings with a blue background which is.
Alternatively the walls might be painted green with the cornice picked out in white and gold. The chairs would then be upholstered in red. Other pieces suitable for a room of this type are shown in the panels at right. J iNK walls decorated in white ami gold provide a good background fur this mahogany and rosewood furniture relieved with brass mounts. An alternative color scheme would have dark beige walls, green taffeta for the curtainsand bed canopy.
Most of the furniture would be painted white and gold. At right are other pieces and fabrics suitable for this type of room.
Painted decoration was more com- Round tables were popular. They usually cian delicacy of form, and much of the monly used on walls and ceilings than for stood on a pedestal or tripod vase. The top furniture was painted and gilt. Later, under furniture. Beds Napoleon's fist, fabrics were usually in deep The general scheme is rich, dark, and color developed into Classic ceremonial couches primary colors, the motifs of Imperial Roman somewhat heavy Rich deep mahogany, with scrolled ends.
The popular craze for all heaviness, the furniture of dark red polished French polished and often stained red, was things Roman extended to include women's mahogany the favorite material. Rosewood and ebony dresses and Lucullan banquets. From each of his campaigns he brought were also in favor. Where other woods were the early Directoire part of the period In home some new decorative motif which he used, their nature was concealed by staining fabrics were quite delicately colored, the would turn over to his craftsmen for use in 26 to imitate the more popular species.
Pedestals Wall tables, sideboards, consoles Dining tables Dining-room accessories. Dressing tables, stools, night tables, mirrors. The Egyptian campaign yielded an im- The early Empire pieces Directoire are pressive collection of sphinxes, pyramids, simplified versions of the styles current un- obelisks, and lotus leaf capitals.
These pieces have grace, came all the paraphernalia of Imperial Roman simplicity, and charm. The hampering re- decoration, acanthus leaves, laurel wreaths, strictions on foreign trade led to the use of torches, winged victories, cornucopias, and native fruitwoods instead of mahogany. Armchairs, stools Secretaries, bookcases, occasional tables Living-room accessories.
Met Ple white -. ILp i. China Cupboard. Caro Table. Contents Are. No DtTAtt. Numerous Accessories. Floor, In This Case. Back Legs Wtw. The PmcEU. Louis XV Chaise Longue. In This Jttle-. Formed 5y ComBi nino 7hr. Pieces af Furn iture. Early American Late Georgian Smooth plaster, light trim Dark hardwood flooring Hooked, braided, Oriental, unippenaaie Wail paper, scenic and v'inyis in piain or jaspe or domestic rugs Queen Anne Chinese designs patterns Carpet, plain, two-toned Duncan Phyfe Paneling patterned French Provincial ueiiing piaster.
Sectional sofa Apartment-size sofa Full-size sofa. Chaise lounge Right corner Lett comer Armless Ottoman. Tables 1 and 2, however, suggest that within the bedding Mattress type Min Max Min Max and mattress industries there exists a wide Bassinet 17 23 36 40 range of sizes from which to select.
Youth bed 33 36 66 76 Ultimately, the designer, in consultation with Bunk bed 30 33 75 76 the client, must verify exact measurements. Dorm bed 32 36 75 80 Be sure to take your clients to see and test Hospital bed 36 36 75 80 the bed or mattress selected. After all, they Narrow twin 36 36 74 75 are the ones who will have to sleep on it.
Twin bed 39 39 75 80, 84 Fuii'Size or double bed 54 54 74 75 Queen-size bed 60 60 80 84 King-size bed 76 78 80 84 Extra-long double 54 54 80 80 Super twin 45 45 75 Width in Length in. Pillow type Min Max Min Max Standard 18 20 26 27 Queen 19 21 29 30 King 20 22 35 36 Note: Many manufacturers also make and sell undersized pillows for cribs and youth beds as well as oversized pillows for the larger beds. The shape of the viewing area is approx- imately as shown in Fig.
Its size is always based on the size of the image to be viewed. The human eye comprehends detail oniy within a limited cone angle about 2Vi min- utes of arc , and the length of chord subtend- ing this arc, i. Thus an object 20 feet away and 6 feet long appears the same as a similar object 1 0 feet away and 3 feet long. The size of the viewing area is determined by three dimensions: the minimum distance 1 , which is the distance from the nearest part of the image to the eye of the closest viewer the maximum distance 2 , which is the distance from the furthermost part of the image to the most distant viewer the maximum viewingangle 3 , which is the angle between the projection axis and the line of sight of a person located as far from this axis as can be and still see all image detail in proper brilliance Practical minimum and maximum dis- tances are both expressed as multiples of the image width W , They vary both with the medium being used and with the type and quality of material being projected, and may be affected also, in some degree, by personal preferences, They have not yet been pre- cisely determined by scientific methods, and it's doubtful that such data would have much.
The generally ac- cepted values, resulting from numerous studies, are these:. Film, slides, and projected TV TV receivers. Table for eight Table for ten. Desk Chair Fig. Herman Miller. Sideboard Buffet. Dresser Cupboards. Windsor chairs Dining room chairs. Wing chair Barrel chair Arm chairs. Rocking chair Club chair Tavern chair Side chair. Office chairs Special chairs. Library table Iba and coffee tables Serving table.
Night table Dressing table Occasional table. Card tables Drop leaf and butterfly tables. Tilt table Draw top tables Candle stand. Console table Stands. The size of living rooms and the furniture arrangements contained within such spaces vary dramatically, depending on the size of the dwelling, the economic status and life- style of the user, and the relationship of the room to other areas of the dwelling.
With n E n regard to the luxury end of the scale, there are few limitations and no attempt has been made to identify the endless planning op- tions possible. There are, however, minimum requirements and basic planning considera- tions that are applicable whatever the size of the space. Typical furniture arrangement for Minimum Requirements a one- or two-bedroom apartment Luxury units will neces-.
In any case, the minimum living room with no dining facilities should be approximately ft 2 but preferably around ft 2 Figures 1 and 2 show two living. D c rooms- with typical furniture groupings no dining. Figure 3 shows a living for dining. Dwelling n 1 1. This is extremely tight, however, Fig. Planning considerations should include ade- quate floor and waii space for furniture groupings, separation of trafficways from centers of activity, and ease of access to furniture and windows.
Circulation within the living room should be as direct as possible and yet not interfere with furniture placement. Ideally, there should be no through traffic. If such traffic is necessary, it should be at one end, with the remaining portion of the room a "dead-end" space.
During social activities, people tend to gather or congregate in relatively small groups, Desirable conversation distance is Fig. When the living room is combined with the dining area, the dining area should be offset into an alcove or be clearly identified as an entity in itself.
Figures 5 to 10 show various groupings and related clearances. Figure 5 shows that a space 12'6" x 15'6" should be provided in order to accommodate seating for five around a in-diameter cocktail table.
The piano, sofa, and cocktail table arrangement shown in Fig. When planning furniture arrangements, allowances for clearances should take into account the human dimension as well, as illustrated in Figs.
It should be noted that these diagrams are. They are intended only as guidelines to illustrate minimum clearances for preliminary planning purposes. B ["I. The design of the cabinet should take into account the actual electronicand other equipment to be housed and the clearances Involved for operation.
Power outlets should be coordinated and located so as to conceal unsightly wires and cables. Figure 13 shows a plan and elevations of review of the shop drawings by both contrac- modifications to an existing fireplace. Based tor and designerare essential, it is important,. Traditional: roll arms, loose-cushion Traditional; roll arms, one-piece back, kidney shape, solid base back, solid base. Contemporary: shaped sofa, shaped Traditional: roll arms, fixed-cushion Traditional: roll arms, loose-pillow base back, tailored skirt back, shirred base.
Traditional; roii arms, fixed-cushion Contemporary: curved arms, fixed- Contemporary: curved arms, fixed- back, solid base cushion back, solid base cushion back, solid base. Contemporary: dome arms, solid Contemporary: square arms, loose- back, solid base cushion back, solid base. Traditional: roll arms Traditional: roll arms, fixed-cushion Contemporary: miscellaneous back, tailored skirt slanted arms.
Traditional: roll arms, tufted back, tailored skin Traditional: roll arms, fixed-cushion back, shirred skirt. Traditional: roll arms, one-piece Traditional: roll arms back, skirted base. LI Contemporary: curved arms, fixed- Traditional: roll arms, one-piece Contemporary: slanted cushion cushion back, solid base back, open base arms, fixed-cushion back, solid base. Traditional: roll arms, one-piece Contemporary: dome arms, channel Contemporary: dome arms, one- back, open base and arms, solid piece tufted back and seat, solid quiited back, seat, base base.
Traditional: roll arms, one-piece Contemporary: shaped sofa, Contemporary: one-piece curved back, open bass partitioned back back and arms, wood legs, open base. Contemporary: slanted cushion arms, fixed-cushion back, open base Contemporary; curved arms, fixed- Contemporary: curved arms, fixed-. Each living unit should contain space for the purpose of dining. This area may be com- bined with the living room or kitchen, or may be a separate room.
The amount of space allocated to dining should be based on the number of persons to be served and the proper circulation space. Appropriate space should be provided for the storage of china and large dining articles either in the dining area itself or in the adjacent kitchen. Space for accommodating the following sizes of tables and chairs in the dining area should be provided, according to the intended occupancy as shown: 1 or 2 persons: 2 ft 6 in by 2 ft 6 in.
Commentary Size of the individual eating space on the table should be based upon a frontage of 24 2 in and an area of approximately 2 ft In ,. Desirable room for seating is a clear 42 in all around the dining table. The following. In sizing the separate dining room, provi- sion should be made for circulation through the room in addition to space for dining.
The location of the dining area in the kitchen is desirable for small houses and small apartments. This preference appears to stem from two needs: 1 housekeeping advantages; 2 the dining table in the kitchen provides a meeting place forthe entire family. Where only one dining location is feasible, locating the dining table in the living room is r.
Armchair in place at table. It should be noted that the clearances Indicated relate to chairs with depth dimensions of 20" and" 22"; clearances should be adjusted depending on the chair size finally selected.
Bench on one side. A dining room for A hutch or buffet is typically about 18" deep, A 42" wide table Is common, There space behind the chairs to edge past one side and one end, and to is. Table space is 24" per person, the minimum place setting zone. With arm chairs at the ends, allow an extra 2" for each; add 4" to the room length. Corner bench. Bench and chair dining. Minimum width for table and chairs. A 48" long table seats 4 and requires Round tables.
Since these data come from two sources, there may be slight disparities in suggested dimen- sions for similar conditions. Since these illustrations are intended only as guidelines Dining space with benches. A 48" long table seats 4 and of differing 2 requires 26 ft.
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